[Air-L] Informatization?

Katja Mayer katja.mayer at univie.ac.at
Sun Jul 8 07:26:26 PDT 2012

Dear list members,

if you hear or read "informatization", how would you contextualize this 

I am asking this, because I have a rather specific idea of what 
informatization entails (a rather quantitative, technocratic context, 
looking for measurements of technological diffusion and impact on 
labour, e-commerce and other fields...) and I would like to know more 
about other approaches.

Are there any other connotations? Maybe in french literature? (Since the 
term was used in the 1978 presidential report by Nora/Minc: 
L'informatisation de la societe.)

Thanks for your assistence,

Dr. Katja Mayer
Department of Social Studies of Science
University of Vienna, Austria

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