[Air-L] Looking for references on grammatical prejucice

Ruy Cervantes ruy at ics.uci.edu
Mon Nov 26 21:05:19 PST 2012


The work of James Gee on social
be interesting as a way to frame your analysis. He analyzed how our
use of language is shaped by our social context. People select words,
spellings, and ways to tell stories according to their background. For
instance, in his book he beautifully analyze how a little African-American
girl tells a story in the sharing time of her classroom not using "correct
English" in the eyes of the cultural models of her white teacher. Gee
explains how in fact the features of language used by the black girl were
in fact quite advanced and expressive.

Hope Gee's work relevant.


On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 10:32 PM, Denise N. Rall <denrall at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Casey -
> David Crystal has done a lot on language and the Internet, including a
> book, 'Language and the Internet' Also, Crystal is on Youtube about it.
> It sounds like a 'Miss Manners' and the internet problem. I've seen it
> mentioned in the NYTimes column in Sunday Style, Social Q's columns.
> Another search pulled up ''Miss Manners' Guide to Excruciatingly Correct
> Behavior. Might be something there!
> Cheers, Denise
> Dr Denise N. Rall, Casual Academic, School of Arts & Social Sciences
> Chair of Textiles stream, Popular Culture Australia-New Zealand
> Currently in Lismore, New South Wales, Australia
> Phones - Mobile +(61)(0)438 233344 Fax +(61)(0)2 6624 5380
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Ruy Cervantes
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Informatics
School of Information and Computer Sciences
University of California, Irvine

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