[Air-L] Facebook abstainers and refuseniks

Audrey Abeyta audrey.abeyta at gmail.com
Sat Oct 6 20:16:56 PDT 2012

That's an interesting question that I'd be very interested in exploring further.


On Oct 6, 2012, at 8:05 PM, "McLaughlin, Lisa M. Dr." <mclauglm at muohio.edu> wrote:

> This is just an idea, but it may be interesting to look into the reaction,
> often hostile, that greets those of us who don't use Facebook. I teach a
> course that highlights new ICT/social media and I often am asked how I can
> teach such a course without ever having had a Facebook page (or tweeted!).
> My rote, however simplistic, response usually is that I don't have a
> Facebook page because I *do* teach a course that focuses on social media,
> and my tendency to be a cautious consumer now is on full display.
> Still, one thing that intrigues me is that the majority of individuals with
> whom I have such conversations seem to range from their being annoyed to
> angry upon learning that I don't have a Facebook page. I recently recovered
> from a serious illness, and one reaction that surprised me was that I often
> was pressed to get a Facebook page so that I could share "my progress" with
> "friends" and "family."
> In fact, my feeling is that I wished to protect my privacy (and continue to
> feel this way), and I had to beg my siblings to not post "updates" on "my
> progress" on their own Facebook pages.
> I have begun to think about the refusal to have a Facebook page as something
> interpreted as a form of rebellion (however slight compared to Tiananmen
> Square) or transgression with the result that many folks feel that they must
> discipline and punish. My question: Why is this happening? Worded
> differently, this may be a good research question.
> Best,
> Lisa
> -- 
> Lisa McLaughlin, Ph.D.
> Associate Professor, Mass Communication & Program in Women’s, Gender, and
> Sexuality Studies
> Co-editor, Feminist Media Studies
> Miami University-Ohio
> Contact:
> Mass Communication 
> Williams Hall
> Miami University-Ohio
> Oxford, Ohio 45056
> Tele: 513-529-3547
> Fax: 513-529-1835
> Email: mclauglm at muohio.edu
> On 10/6/12 5:26 AM, "Nicholas John" <nicholas.john at mail.huji.ac.il> wrote:
>> Hello Researchers of the Internet
>> I wonder if anyone knows of any studies of people who *don't* use Facebook
>> as a matter of choice?
>> I'm doing a study of my own and want to make sure I've got the background
>> literature covered.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Nicholas
>> _______________
>> Dr. Nicholas John
>> sociothink.com
>> share.sociothink.com
>> @nicholasajohn
>> Latest article: Sharing and Web 2.0: The emergence of a
>> keyword<http://nms.sagepub.com/content/early/2012/07/03/1461444812450684>,
>> New Media & Society
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