[Air-L] FW: MSc scholarship at OII

Eric Meyer eric.meyer at oii.ox.ac.uk
Mon Feb 18 07:10:25 PST 2013

We are delighted to announce that we have secured an additional MSc scholarship for the coming academic year. Kindly supported by Google, this scholarship will be open to MSC candidates applying in all three deadlines, including the final application deadline for 2013/14 entry to our MSc and DPhil programmes, which is 8 March 2013. Please see how to apply on our website.
See http://us5.campaign-archive1.com/?u=9125dddb3054a8ddcb4f56f23&id=7239aead31

Professor Ralph Schroeder
Oxford Internet Institute
University of Oxford
1 St.Giles
Oxford OX1 3JS

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