[Air-L] Digital Methods, Ethical Challenges: Symposium hosted by Annenberg School for Communication​, University of Pennsylvania​

Emad khazraee sk827 at drexel.edu
Thu Oct 3 12:50:01 PDT 2013

(Apologies for cross-posting).

*Digital Methods, Ethical Challenges*

A symposium hosted by the Center for Global Communication Studies

and the Project for Advanced Research in Global Communication

Annenberg School for Communication​, University of Pennsylvania​

​October 10, 2013


​​Room 500​

Please RSVP to ahighbloom at asc.upenn.edu


9:00-9:15 Welcome

9:30-11:00 Panel 1: Digital Culture Transformations

Rob Procter, University Of Warwick: Ethical challenges for real-time,
public sociology

Hector Postigo, Temple University & Microsoft Research: Participatory
observation, participatory culture and interventionist research: When
should we strive to be more than observers in digital culture?

Elizabeth Buchanan, University of Wisconsin-Stout: Vulnerable by
association: Secondary subjects and representation through social media

Moderator: John Jackson, Annenberg School for Communication

11:00-11:15 Coffee break

11:15-12:45 Panel 2: University Auspices and Vulnerable Populations

John Kelly, Harvard University & Morningside Analytics: Knowing too much:
Academic openness vs. the security of vulnerable actors

Katy Pearce, University of Washington: Maintaining scholarly distance,
developing trust, and protecting sources online and offline in an
authoritarian context

Randall Sell, Drexel University: Understanding gay men’s health: Evolving
methods and challenges

Moderator: Guobin Yang, Annenberg School for Communication

12:45-1:30 Lunch

1:30-3:00 Panel 3: Activism, Advocacy and National Security: Justifying
Separate Sets of Standards?

Kristene Unsworth, Drexel University: We must know everything and nothing
should slip by: National security and the need to know

Rebecca MacKinnon, New America Foundation & Center for Global Communication
Studies: Security risks for researchers: Lessons from journalists and

Christopher Wilson, the Engine Room: Ethics and research in international
advocacy: A preliminary mapping of needs and resources

Moderator: Sandra Gonzales-Bailon, Annenberg School for Communication

3:00-3:15 Coffee break

3:15-4:00 Open discussion & wrap-up

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