[Air-L] Looking for a theory--traditional + new media = ?

Ryan S Eanes rse at uoregon.edu
Tue Oct 22 17:27:51 PDT 2013


Greetings all, 

Some time ago I encountered a paper or chapter that
argued that so-called "traditional" (unidirectional) media such as radio
and television could in fact be considered interactive or
multidirectional thanks to the addition of other technologies like
Twitter, the Internet, etc. 

I can't remember if this theory has a
name--does it ring any bells? I'm working on a paper that could use an
appropriate citation, if anyone knows what I'm talking about. 



Ryan S Eanes
Media Studies PhD Student & Graduate Teaching
University of Oregon School of Journalism &
rse at uoregon.edu * blogs.uoregon.edu/eanes *
 1275 University of Oregon
 Allen Hall, Room 210
Oregon 97403-1275

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