[Air-L] Final Reminder: BILETA Conference

Karen Mc Cullagh (LAW) K.Mccullagh at uea.ac.uk
Mon Feb 3 00:35:57 PST 2014

Final reminder: The Call for Papers for the 29th BILETA Annual Conference (14-16 April 2014, University of East Anglia) has been extended to facilitate requests for extensions. If you missed the original deadline, you now have until 7th February 2014  to submit an abstract.

To view the call for papers and information about the conference see the attachment and click on the link: http://www.uea.ac.uk/law/news-and-events/bileta-conference

Queries should be sent to the organiser, Dr Karen Mc Cullagh, via bileta2014 at uea.ac.uk

Dr Karen Mc Cullagh
UEA Law School
University of East Anglia
Norwich Research Park

w: http://karenmccullagh.co.uk/

T: 01603 59 7617

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