February 2014 Archives by subject
Starting: Sat Feb 1 00:07:14 PST 2014
Ending: Fri Feb 28 23:55:10 PST 2014
Messages: 149
- [Air-L] "Media and Communication in and after the Global Capitalist Crisis": ESA RN18 2014 Conference Call
Christian Fuchs
- [Air-L] "Media and Communication in and after the Global Capitalist Crisis": ESA RN18 2014 Conference Call
Christian Fuchs
- [Air-L] "Networked" & query
Barry Wellman
- [Air-L] #ELD14 Call for Proposals Closing
AJ Kelton
- [Air-L] #MLA15 CFP of interest
Amanda Licastro
- [Air-L] 5th ERQ Conference - Call for abstracts: It's a free work... When work relations become passionate
Sarah Roberts
- [Air-L] [DEADLINE 15 FEBRUARY 2014] Call for ABSTRACTS Social science & Big data (not only)
Davide Bennato
- [Air-L] ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci'14), June 23-26, 2014
Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia
- [Air-L] Agile/Extreme/Lean methods for academic researc
Anders Sundnes Løvlie
- [Air-L] Agile/Extreme/Lean methods for academic research
Antoine Mazieres
- [Air-L] Agile/Extreme/Lean methods for academic research
Jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] Agile/Extreme/Lean methods for academic research
Joseph Reagle
- [Air-L] Agile/Extreme/Lean methods for academic research
Dave Dittrich
- [Air-L] Agile/Extreme/Lean methods for academic research
Antoine Mazieres
- [Air-L] Air-L Digest, Vol 115, Issue 5
Wallis, Jacob
- [Air-L] Air-L Digest, Vol 115, Issue 9
Sarah Logan
- [Air-L] AJDE Special Issue: Interactions in Distance Education
João Mattar
- [Air-L] AMCIS 2014> CFP: Global and Cross Cultural Impacts of Big Data Minitrack
Howard Rosenbaum
- [Air-L] AMCIS 2014 > CFP: Social Theory in Information Systems Research (STIR '14)
Howard Rosenbaum
- [Air-L] AMCIS 2014> Final CFP: Global and Cross Cultural Impacts of Big Data
Fichman, Pnina
- [Air-L] AMCIS 2014 > Final CFP: Social Theory in Information Systems Research (STIR '14)
Fichman, Pnina
- [Air-L] a postdoc at Internet studies lab
Кольцова Елена Юрьевна
- [Air-L] a postdoc at Internet studies lab
William Dutton
- [Air-L] Approaching deadline for OII Summer Doctoral Programme
Victoria Nash
- [Air-L] Assistant Professor/College Lecturer Position: University College Dublin School of Information & Library Studies
Lee Komito
- [Air-L] Call for Abstract: 2014 Social Media & Society Conference
Hazel Kwon
- [Air-L] Call for Abstracts for Chapters Vol.2 International Handbook of Internet Research
Jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] Call for Applications, 2014-15 Yahoo! Fellow in Residence, Georgetown University
Francesca Musiani
- [Air-L] Call for book chapters: Handbook on 3D3C Virtual Worlds
Tzafnat Shpak
- [Air-L] Call for chapter proposals: A Thousand Platforms: Deep Teaching for Computational Media and Generalist Design
V. T.
- [Air-L] Call for chapter proposals: Social Media/Social Writing collection
Stephanie Vie
- [Air-L] Call for P&I Journal Special Issues + IPP2014 Crowdsourcing Conference Call
David Sutcliffe
- [Air-L] Call for Papers - International Symposium on Digital Ethics
Heider, Donald
- [Air-L] Call for Papers and Conference Presentations
Michael Filimowicz
- [Air-L] Call for Papers and Creative Works: InVisible Culture, Issue 22: "Opacity"
Joel Neville Anderson
- [Air-L] Call for Participation: Digital Methods Summer School 2014
Anne Helmond
- [Air-L] CaTaC'14 - deadline extension, registration fees
Charles Ess
- [Air-L] CaTaC'14 - Oslo, June 17-20: website for submissions to CaTaC'14 now available
Charles Ess
- [Air-L] Censorship and mobile apps
Magdalena O!
- [Air-L] Censorship and mobile apps
Kristin Williams
- [Air-L] Censorship and mobile apps
Sarah Choukah
- [Air-L] Censorship and mobile apps
Luis Hestres
- [Air-L] CfA: PhD Summer School, San Sebastian, Spain (28.07. - 01.08.2014)
Judith Simon
- [Air-L] CFP (DEADLINE EXTENDED): Dancecult: Special Issue on the Remix and EDMC
Sheena Hyndman
- [Air-L] CFP - Handbook of Media and Culture in the Middle East
Helga Tawil Souri
- [Air-L] CFP 4S/ESOCITE - Open Panel 63. Peer production and open collaboration
- [Air-L] CFP: 2014 Digital Societies and Social Technologies (DSST) Summer Institute
Ingrid Erickson
- [Air-L] CFP: Creating Cultures, postgraduate conference in Culture, Media, and the Creative Industries, King's College London
Andrew Herman
- [Air-L] CFP: Second International Workshop on Linked Media (LiME 2014)
Johan Oomen
- [Air-L] CFP: The Transnational Movement of People and Information
Catherine Vieira
- [Air-L] CFP IIP-FCC Broadband Reg Wksp
Richard Denny Taylor
- [Air-L] CfP Media Art in Media Education
Sützl, Wolfgang
- [Air-L] CFP Reminder - Napster, 15 years on: Rethinking digital music distribution. A themed special edition of First Monday
raphael nowak
- [Air-L] CFP RIAS Special Issue - American-Digital Studies
- [Air-L] Conference on Digital Discrimination and Social Networks. Barcelona, 13th and 14th of March
Jj Pedregosa
- [Air-L] Conference on Digital Discrimination and Social Networks. Barcelona, 13th and 14th of March
Jj Pedregosa
- [Air-L] Conference on Digital Discrimination and Social Networks. Barcelona, 13th and 14th of March
Jj Pedregosa
- [Air-L] Conference proposals: Word counts on roundtable and fishbowl submissions?
Terri Senft
- [Air-L] Critical theory of gamification / Archaeology
Sebastian Deterding
- [Air-L] Critical theory of gamification / Archaeology of, > gamification
Sebastian Deterding
- [Air-L] Critical theory of gamification / Archaeology of gamification
Jarosław Kopeć
- [Air-L] Critical theory of gamification / Archaeology of gamification
V. T.
- [Air-L] Extended deadline CFP "Media: Tyheory and Practice"
Mishel Pavlovski
- [Air-L] Facebook and the construction of (migrants') identities
Unger, Johann
- [Air-L] Facebook and the construction of (migrants') identities
Unger, Johann
- [Air-L] Facebook and the construction of (migrants') identities
tiziano bonini
- [Air-L] Facebook and the construction of (migrants') identities
Leurs, K.H.A. (Koen)
- [Air-L] Facebook and the construction of (migrants') identities
Galina Nikiporets-Takigawa
- [Air-L] Facebook and the construction of (migrants') identities
P.J. Oiarzabal
- [Air-L] Facebook changes their gender options
Rena Bivens
- [Air-L] Feedback on the AoIR Website Desired!
Jennifer Stromer-Galley
- [Air-L] Fellowship in Berlin 2014 at the Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society
Constantin Hoferer
- [Air-L] Final Call for Participation: iConference 2014 (Berlin, Germany)
Toine Bogers
- [Air-L] Final Reminder: BILETA Conference
Karen Mc Cullagh (LAW)
- [Air-L] FW: Postdocs Ego-media ERC project
Jordan, Timothy
- [Air-L] Fwd: [governance] Communication of the European Commisson: "Internet Policy and Governance - Europe's role in shaping the future of Internet Governance"
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-L] Fwd: Call for papers - Radical Negativity
Ella Fegitz
- [Air-L] Game studies book note -- The Culture of Digital Fighting Games
Todd Harper
- [Air-L] Gnip and Twitter Bringing Social Data to Academic Researchers
Stuart Shulman
- [Air-L] H-DigiRhet Editors wanted
Patrick Cox
- [Air-L] Happy Valentine's Day
- [Air-L] History of "accounts"
Michelle Forelle
- [Air-L] History of "accounts"
Fred Fuchs
- [Air-L] History of "accounts"
Michelle Forelle
- [Air-L] Human Ecosystems project launching in Toronto at the ArtSci Salon
Salvatore Iaconesi
- [Air-L] ICA Regional Conference (Brisbane, 2014) Update
Jean Burgess
- [Air-L] IR15 Submission System OPEN
Erika Pearson
- [Air-L] ISOC Internet data and research portal update
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] Join the MA Program in Digital Living, Aarhus University Fall 2014
Annette Markham
- [Air-L] Join us This Year in Bangkok! Submit Your Proposals for IR15
Kendall, Lori
- [Air-L] M4D Doctoral Workshop, Dakar - deadline extended til Feb 14th
Jakob Svensson
- [Air-L] MA/PhD in Emerging Media Studies at Boston University
Jacob Groshek
- [Air-L] MA/PhD in Emerging Media Studies at Boston University
Jack Harris
- [Air-L] media and cultural studies research studentships; gender, sex and sexualities
Feona Attwood
- [Air-L] New BS degree in Information Communication Technology
McNealy, Jasmine E
- [Air-L] New Social Media, New Social Science... and New Ethical Issues!
Janet Salmons, Ph.D.
- [Air-L] Nominations for the Brian Michael Goldberg Memorial Award
Mariariosaria Taddeo
- [Air-L] Open Call for Capsules. 1st Design and Digital Culture Conference
Medialab-Prado Comunicación
- [Air-L] Pace University Faculty Positions
Cathy Dwyer
- [Air-L] Panel CFP AoIR 2015 - Social media, convergence, and commercialisation
Julian Hopkins
- [Air-L] PhD-Seminar, Web Archiving and Archived Web — a new Research Method, a new Object of Study?
Niels Brügger
- [Air-L] PhD-Seminar, Web Archiving and Archived Web — a new Research Method, a new Object of Study?
Julie Grinberg
- [Air-L] PhD course - Methodologies: Mobile Media & Mobility - Aarhus University
Charles Ess
- [Air-L] PhD grants at iSchool, Télécom Bretagne, France
Nicolas Jullien
- [Air-L] PhD scholarships for China Media/Internet Research in the University of Hong Kong: Deadline: April 30, 2014
- [Air-L] PhD Workshop on Internet Research and Ethics (March 20-21, Aalborg, DK)
Michael Zimmer
- [Air-L] Pinterest, Google+ and Foursquare stats
- [Air-L] Polite plea for abbreviation and initialism expansion
krguidry at mistakengoal.com
- [Air-L] postdoc position
Ulf-Dietrich Reips
- [Air-L] Public Gossip Scale
hk at monkprayogshala.in
- [Air-L] Qual research with digital diaries- seeking tools & tips, please
Kath Albury
- [Air-L] Qual research with digital diaries- seeking tools & tips, please
Dennis Wollersheim
- [Air-L] Qual research with digital diaries- seeking tools & tips, please
Shulman, Stu
- [Air-L] Qual research with digital diaries- seeking tools & tips, please
Kath Albury
- [Air-L] Qual research with digital diaries- seeking tools & tips, please
Seeta Peña Gangadharan
- [Air-L] Queer Internet Studies Workshop April 4 - NYC
Mary L. Gray
- [Air-L] Reminder (01 Mar Deadline) Joss Whedon: A Celebration
Paul Booth
- [Air-L] reminder: CfP for IR15 closing March 1
Erika Pearson
- [Air-L] Reminder: PhD-course on Mediatization in Oslo
Knut Lundby
- [Air-L] Researching Contemporary Culture summer workshops 2014 (London)
Zara Dinnen
- [Air-L] Research of Facebook public groups
Andreas Birkbak
- [Air-L] Research of Facebook public groups
Steven Clift
- [Air-L] Research on Africans and mobile photography?
Terri Senft
- [Air-L] Research on Africans and mobile photography?
Nancy Baym
- [Air-L] Scratch Big Data Summit at MIT-- sharing 5 years of online community data
Andrés Monroy-Hernández
- [Air-L] Search reopened: Assistant Prof. for Computing and Emerging Technologies, Pratt Institute, NYC
Anthony Cocciolo
- [Air-L] Selfies Research Network
Terri Senft
- [Air-L] Selfies Research Network
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] sentiment analysis on Twitter for smoking cessation groups
Ashley Nicoles Sanders-Jackson
- [Air-L] sentiment analysis on Twitter for smoking cessation groups
Shulman, Stu
- [Air-L] Skype Connections and the Gaze of Friendship and Family: a mini-conference
Richard Harper
- [Air-L] Special issue on "Religion in Digital Games" is online!
Simone Heidbrink
- [Air-L] Still time to provide feedback on the AoIR Website
Jennifer Stromer-Galley
- [Air-L] Studies on blogs in US, UK, Germany and Switzerland on how much bloggers make from their blogs
Kristin Dagmar Eckert
- [Air-L] Survey on vlogs
Dr. Jacqueline Vickery
- [Air-L] Ten Years of Facebook Conference
ropolyi at ludens.elte.hu
- [Air-L] The Annual Meeting of the International Association for Computing and Philosophy - Thessaloniki, Greece
Mariariosaria Taddeo
- [Air-L] to add participants to your SNSs or not?
Roser Beneito Montagut
- [Air-L] to add participants to your SNSs or not?
Jordan Kraemer
- [Air-L] to add participants to your SNSs or not?
Fred Fuchs
- [Air-L] U of Arkansas Little Rock tenure-track opening
Joe Williams
- [Air-L] Valentine's Day surprise: Paperback edition of Networked is out
Barry Wellman
- [Air-L] Women and Technology Conference
Nasreen Rajani
- [Air-L] Workshop invitation / CFA
Nikolaos Thomopoulos
- [Air-L] workshop on ethics of cyber activism at the University of Warwick
Mariariosaria Taddeo
- [Air-L] Zimmer op-ed in WaPo
Richard Forno
- [Air-L] Zimmer op-ed in WaPo
gene loeb
Last message date:
Fri Feb 28 23:55:10 PST 2014
Archived on: Thu Oct 3 17:37:59 PDT 2024
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