[Air-L] Facebook and the construction of (migrants') identities
tiziano bonini
tiziano.bonini at gmail.com
Wed Feb 5 05:30:33 PST 2014
Dear Johann,
I investigated something similar in my PhD thesis. Unfortunately it is in
Italian but I published a part of it in this article:
"Media as home making tools: life story of a Filipino migrant in Milan",
Media, Culture & society, 33(6), 869-883.
Here the link to read it:
2014-02-05 Unger, Johann <j.unger at lancaster.ac.uk>:
> Meanwhile, I'm trying to finish my email! Apologies for the earlier,
> unfinished draft. Here's what I meant to write:
> Dear AOIR-ers,
> A PhD student in my department is currently trying to finish his thesis on
> migrants' use if Facebook, with a particular focus on how they construct
> their identities. If you know of any interesting work in this area, I'd be
> grateful of you could let me know either off-list or on. We'll collate any
> responses and circulate in due course.
> Many thanks,
> Johnny
> Dr J W Unger
> Lecturer and Academic Director of Summer Programmes
> Department of Linguistics and English Language
> Lancaster University
> LA1 4YL
> e-mail: j.unger at lancaster.ac.uk<mailto:j.unger at lancaster.ac.uk>
> tel: +44 1524 592591
> Follow me on Twitter @johnnyunger<http://twitter.com/#!/johnnyunger>
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Tiziano Bonini
||| lecturer in media studies |||
Arts, Culture and Comparative Literature Institute
IULM University of Milano
via Carlo Bo 4
20143 Milano, Italy
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