[Air-L] URGENT need for a 5-6 months internship at UTT, France

Babiga Birregah bbirregah at gmail.com
Fri Mar 28 16:33:14 PDT 2014

Dear all,

Please distribute this announcement to your contacts which can be
interested. Depending on the results, this position can lead to a PhD
thesis. We can also discuss about an eventual participation of UTT to
the travel/living cost. The intended starting date of the internship
can be is April or shortly thereafter.


The Laboratory of Systems Modeling and Dependability (LM2S) (at
University of Technology of Troyes, France) is proposing a Masters
internship on the topic of "Visualization and exploration of big data
streams using spatio-temporal graphs".
The intern's work will aim to provide:
- A spatio-temporal graphs-based model for the tracking of events such
as collocation,
- An algorithm (fast and interactive) for the generation and the
visualization of these spatio-temporal graphs from raw data stream,
- A complete chain metrics adapted to the proposed model to allow the
use of the model in a wide range of issues (social networks, GPS
traces, mobile and static sensors networks, etc.).

Computer Science, Graph Theory, (Image and signal processing),
Databases, C++ or Java

Applicants should submit a CV, the names of one or two referees, and a
statement of prior studies and research experience with respect to the
above mentioned requirements via email: babiga.birregah at utt.fr.

The work will be rewarded by a gratification according to French laws
(436 EURO/month).

The intern is encouraged to submit a well-referenced conference paper
based on his work. UTT will take in charge the cost of his
participation to conference.

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