[Air-L] Call for Speakers Open - Internet at Schools track at Internet Librarian 2014

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Fri Mar 28 23:50:34 PDT 2014

A little off-beam, but I hope of interest to some.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

  [image: Internet at Schools Track at
27 - 28, 2014
Monterey Conference Center | Monterey, CA
A Featured Track at: [image: Internet Librarian
 *Call for Speakers is Open*
*This is your chance to share your ideas!*

The *Internet at Schools track at Internet Librarian 2014
a 2-day track created especially for library media and technology
specialists and other educators who are using the internet and technology
in K?12 schools. Sponsored by *Internet at Schools* magazine,

*the track covers technology, tools, trends, and practical topics, and
takes place during the first 2 days of Internet Librarian in Monterey,
California, October 27-28, 2014. **You Are Invited?*
If you are running an innovative program through your school library or
media/technology center that is helping your students learn or your
colleagues teach, or if you are willing to share your practical tips,
tools, or techniques about using technology and the internet in schools, we
want you! Please volunteer to speak at the Internet at Schools track at
Internet Librarian.

Submit a proposal as soon as possible by clicking on the link in the button
below. Include the following brief details of your proposed presentation on
the form: title, abstract, a few sentences of biographical information that
relate you to the topic, and full contact information (title, address,
email, phone, and fax). All proposals will be reviewed by the organizers,
and notification regarding acceptance will be made soon.

So think over your latest success stories or technology ventures and submit
your proposal today. If your proposal is chosen to be presented at Internet
Librarian 2014, you will be able to register for the full conference or for
the Internet at Schools track at a Special Speaker rate - a 60% discount off
the full price.
*The deadline to submit your proposal is April 9, 2014. *
NOTE: If you have already submitted a K?12-oriented proposal in response to
the Internet Librarian 2014 call for speakers?the deadline was March 7?you
need not submit it again through this Internet at Schools track call for
speakers. Conference organizers Carolyn Foote and I already have it! If you
 [image: Submit your proposal

We look forward to hearing from you!

Internet at Schools Track Organizers

*David Hoffman*
Editor, Internet at Schools magazine
hoffmand at infotoday.com

*Carolyn Foote*
Librarian, Westlake High School
Austin, Texas
technolibrary at gmail.com

Joly MacFie  218 565 9365 Skype:punkcast
WWWhatsup NYC - http://wwwhatsup.com
 http://pinstand.com - http://punkcast.com
 VP (Admin) - ISOC-NY - http://isoc-ny.org

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