[Air-L] FW: Call for Papers-China Internet Research Conference 2015

Randy Kluver rkluver at tamu.edu
Fri Nov 21 05:57:56 PST 2014

>Call for Papers
>The University of Alberta¹s China Institute invites paper proposals for
>the 13th annual Chinese Internet Research Conference (CIRC) to be held in
>Edmonton, Canada on May 27-28, 2015. While following the CIRC tradition of
>welcoming a wide range of general submissions, this year¹s conference will
>highlight the themes of ³(un)civil society² and ³Chinese internet or
>internet in China?²
>(Un)civil Society
>To date, much research on the Chinese Internet has focused on internet
>censorship as well as state-society confrontations. While these issues
>continue to hold importance, a new generation of research could help to
>unpack the multilayered and multidimensional reality and contradictions of
>the Chinese Internet. As the population of Chinese netizens has surpassed
>600 million, not only has the Chinese internet become a contentious medium
>for the state and an emergent civil society, it has also given voice to
>controversial exchanges between various social groupings along
>ideological, class, ethnic, racial and regional fault lines. Some examples
>include the internet flame war between Han Han and Fang Zhouzi that
>defamed ³public intellectuals² in China, the Left-Right debate amongst
>China¹s intellectual communities that occasionally spill over into street
>brawls, online breach of privacy (e.g. certain instances of ³human flesh
>search engine²), conflict between ³haves² and ³have-nots,² contention
>between Han and ethnic minorities in Tibet and Xinjiang, racial discourse
>on mixed-race Chinese and immigrants, and debate over the ³sunflower
>movement² in Taiwan and the ³umbrella movement² in Hong Kong. Papers on
>this theme will shed light on uncivil exchanges online that fail to
>produce consensus or solutions and the social/cultural/political schisms
>that complicate the promise of constructive citizen engagement and civil
>society in China. Conversely, papers that illustrate, analyze and reflect
>on overcoming incivility online, without curtailing citizens¹ rights to
>speech, security and safety are also welcome.
>Chinese Internet or Internet in China?
>Papers on this theme could consider the extent to which internet
>applications and user patterns in China are unique or simply
>representative of global trends, with local variations in terms of
>technology use and the associated cultural meanings. They might also
>address the growing popularity of Chinese internet applications among
>users abroad. Put differently, how "unique" and how "Chinese" is the
>"Chinese internet?" Should we be talking about a "Chinese internet" or the
>"internet in China?" Comparative perspectives as well as the development
>of fresh theoretical angles are encouraged.
>Papers may be submitted outside these two themes. Researchers are invited
>to submit proposals on any aspect of the development, use, and impact of
>the internet in China. Topics may include the economic, political,
>cultural, and social dimensions of internet use in China, may focus on
>interpersonal, organizational, international, or inter-cultural
>dimensions; and may explore theoretical, empirical, or policy-related
>Possible topics may include, but are not limited to:
>* Internet business, entertainment, and gaming
>* Research methods, web metrics, ³big data² analysis, and network analysis
>* The digital divide along class, gender and rural-urban lines
>* The globalization of such Chinese internet firms as Baidu, WeChat, and
>* Cultural activities or cultural tensions expressed through such popular
>mediums as microblogs (weibo), and WeChat (weixin)
>The China Institute will sponsor participants¹ meals during the conference
>dates, but is unable to cover travel costs. A limited number of university
>accommodations are available at reduced rates on first-come-first-served
>basis. There is no registration fee for this conference. As in past years,
>top single-authored papers by graduate students will receive awards.
>Participants are also invited to join in a three-day, self-paid trip to
>the Canadian Rockies after the conference. Please submit paper proposals
>of no more than 400 words in length with the subject line of ³CIRC
>proposal² by February 15, 2015 to esarey at ualberta.ca. Acceptance notices
>and panel information will be released in March 2015.
>CIRC 2015 Organizers
>* Ashley Esarey, University of Alberta
>* Jiang Min, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
>CIRC Steering Committee
>* Ang Peng Hwa, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
>* Hu Yong, Peking University
>* Randy Kluver, Texas A&M University
>* Jack Linchuan Qiu, Associate Professor, School of Journalism and
>Communication, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
>* Peter K. Yu, Kern Family Chair in Intellectual Property Law, and
>founding director of the Intellectual Property Law Center at Drake
>University Law School
>Randy Kluver, Ph.D.
>Executive Director, Global Partnerships and Projects
>Associate Professor, Department of Communication
>Texas A&M University

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