[Air-L] CFP: Hong Kong, April 2015 -- Global Digital Cultures Conference

Jack Qiu jacklqiu at gmail.com
Wed Oct 15 19:41:27 PDT 2014

Just a gentle reminder that abstracts for our conference next April will be
due tomorrow (Oct 17). We've got quite some submissions but won't mind
receiving more. :-)


On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 3:23 PM, Jack Qiu <jacklqiu at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> Brian Loader and I are organizing this conference, to be held in Hong
> Kong. Abstracts are due on October 17 this month.
> Don't ask me how this ongoing political movement in Hong Kong will look
> like next April. I have no idea. But my university and WUN (World
> Universities Network) have committed to making this a great conference.
> We've also got Lee Rainie, Hu Yong, and Saskia Sassen (she's almost
> confirmed) as keynote speakers. There's also a high chance to get a panel
> on digital activism and this "umbrella revolution" in Hong Kong.
> So consider joining us, and please spread the word!
> Cheers,
> jack qiu
> =====
> *Call for Papers: WUN Understanding Global Digital Cultures Conference
> 2015. 25-26 April. Hong Kong. CFP deadline:17 October. *http://
> bit.ly/1vvxy8e <http://t.co/YocgU0Yo4H> <http://t.co/YocgU0Yo4H>
> Ever since the Internet developed into a World Wide Web there has been
> speculation about its potential to breakdown national cultural barriers. In
> the early years of largely western dominance proclamations about the
> emancipatory nature of cyberspace were only matched by charges of cultural
> colonisation by consumer brands. In more recent times however this
> suggestion of the emergence of a homogenous online digital culture has been
> significantly challenged. Today at least 40% of Internet users are Chinese
> and many more languages and cultures are now online. We have also witnessed
> a resurgence of national, ethnic and identity cultures flourishing on the
> Internet. Facilitated by social media platforms these new media
> technologies have given rise to a much more complex picture of cultural
> diversity and multiplicity. What is clear is that the new media ecology is
> likely to have a significant influence upon the maintenance, threats,
> opportunities and emergence of cultural forms. This two-day conference will
> seek to explore the emergence and development of global digital cultures
> through a number of themes including, but not limited to the following:
>    - influence upon indigenous cultures
>    - governance of the Internet and how international negotiations might
>    influence cultural identities
>    - social media as cultural artefacts
>    - global branding, resistance and culture jamming
>    - participatory cultures, new cultural politics
>    - internet generations
>    - population mobility and social connectivity
>    - surveillance and public cultures
>    - cultural development through social media
>    - digital archives, narratives and memory.
> Keynote speakers
> Lee Rainie <http://www.pewresearch.org/staff/lee-rainie/>, Director of
> the Pew Research Center's *Internet and American Life Project.*
> Professor Saskia Sassen <http://www.saskiasassen.com/>, Sociology
> Department, Columbia University & The London School of Economics.
> Professor Hu Yong <http://www.chinafile.com/contributors/hu-yong>, School
> of Journalism and Communication, Peking University.
> Call for papers
> Papers are now invited that address the topics mentioned above. A
> selection of the best papers will be published in a special issue of the
> international journal *Information, Communication & Society*.
> Please submit title, abstract and brief biography for consideration to Brian
> Loader <%20brian.loader at york.ac.uk> by *Friday 17 October 2014*.
> Notification of decision will be made by 27 October 2014.
> Registration
> Conference registration is £120 (HKD$1511). A reduced registration of £60
> (HKD$755) applies to students.
> Delegates from WUN member institutions receive free registration.
> Conference registration includes catering and symposium dinner.
> Online registration will be available on this website in November 2014.
> Venue
> Lecture Theatre 2
> Yasumoto International Academic Park
> The Chinese University of Hong Kong
> Accommodation
> Rooms have been set aside at the Hyatt Sha Tin
> <http://www.hongkong.shatin.hyatt.com/en/hotel/home.html?src=phd_hr_ppc_google&mckv=sleIFclDT_dc%7Cpcrid%7C46473500189%7Cmtid%7C529t0l34073>,
> located a few minutes walk from the conference venue. A discounted delegate
> rate of HKD$1420 (incl. breakfast) has been arranged.
> Online registration and hotel reservation portal will be available on this
> website in November 2014.
> For more information on visiting Hong Kong, visit Discover Hong Kong
> <http://www.discoverhongkong.com/au/index.jsp>.
> Conference Convenors
> Brian Loader
> <http://www.york.ac.uk/sociology/our-staff/academic/brian-loader/>,
> Department of Sociology, The University of York - brian.loader at york.ac.uk
> <%20brian.loader at york.ac.uk>
> Jack Qiu
> <http://www.com.cuhk.edu.hk/en-GB/people/teaching-staff/qiu-jack-l-c>,
> School of Journalism & Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong -
> jacklqiu at gmail.com <%20jacklqiu at gmail.com>
> http://wun.ac.uk/wun/events/view/globaldigitalculturesconference2015

Jack Linchuan Qiu, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
School of Journalism and Communication,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

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