[Air-L] Twitter Data Collection Tools: Summer of the Responses:

Gohar F. Khan gohar.feroz at gmail.com
Sun Nov 15 19:28:53 PST 2015

Hello list members:

Thank you to those who provided great suggestions and insights.

Here is a summery of the responses. Most of the tools/applications lists
below are supposed to be capable of bulk Twitter data collection. Though I
haven't tested all, I found some very useful including DiscoverText,
NodeXL, Twitonomy, and Nexalogy.

1.* Twitter Data extraction applications (does not require programming

   - DiscoverText: http://www.screencast.com/t/VKLqaekPz
   - Demographics Pro: http://www.demographicspro.com/
   - NodeXL: https://nodexl.codeplex.com/
   - Twitonomy: http://www.twitonomy.com/
   - RapidMiner:
   - KPI6: https://www.kpi6.com/
   - Talend:
   - KNIME: https://www.knime.org/blog/knime-twitter-nodes
   - Pentaho:
   - iScience Maps: http://maps.iscience.deusto.es/
   - Nexalogy: https://nexalogy.com/

2. *Tools/Scripts/Modules (require programming skills)*

   - Twarc: https://github.com/edsu/twarc
   - Twitter for Python: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/twitter
   - getUserTimeline.py script by Prof. Libby:
   - R's twitterR package:
   - Erik Michaels-Ober's Ruby gem 't': https://github.com/sferik/t

3. *Help Resources*

   - Twitter API documentation
      - tweets: https://dev.twitter.com/overview/api/tweets;
      - users: https://dev.twitter.com/overview/api/users;
      - hashtags:
   - Getting Twitter Data with R:
   - Example study on iScience Maps:

For the sake of folks not on this list, I also made it available here

Thank you once again.



Gohar Feroz Khan, PhD
Adjunct Faculty & Research Adviser
Korea Advance Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST)
Global Information and Telecommunication Technology Program (ITTP)
291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, South Korea.
Check out my new book on social media analytics
Please consider submitting your work to the social media analytics track at
PACIS201 <http://www.pacis2016.org/Page/Index/71>6.
Social Identities: || Blog <http://gfkhan.wordpress.com/> || Twitter
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