November 2015 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Nov 1 10:14:55 PST 2015
Ending: Mon Nov 30 11:54:29 PST 2015
Messages: 164
- [Air-L] ICA 2016 Preconference CFP: The politics and economics of Chinese new media industries
Weiyu Zhang (Ivy)
- [Air-L] Ideas? extracting posts and responses from a private Facebook group
Dr. Rasha Abdulla
- [Air-L] Big data and social media analysis courses (R, gephi, NodeXL) - Canberra Jan 2016, Melbourne Feb 2016
Robert Ackland
- [Air-L] VOSON SocialMediaLab R package now available
Robert Ackland
- [Air-L] CfP: CSCW workshop: Toward a typology of participation in crowdsourcing
Tanja Aitamurto
- [Air-L] CfP: CSCW 2016 Workshop: Developing a Research Agenda for Human-Centered Data Science
Cecilia Aragon
- [Air-L] CFP: Theorizing the Web 2016
David Banks
- [Air-L] Call for Papers: Persona Studies
Kim Barbour
- [Air-L] [Technology Non-use] Special Issue of First Monday
Eric P. S. Baumer
- [Air-L] Fwd: Expertise Graduate Student Conference CFP
Burcu Baykurt
- [Air-L] Palgrave Texts in Cyberpsychology - Call for manuscript proposals
Binder, Jens
- [Air-L] Please share: DePaul Assistant Professor Position in Communication and Technology
Paul Booth
- [Air-L] Crowdsourced research experiment: Twitter hashtag datapoints
Axel Bruns
- [Air-L] Twitter data collection tools
Axel Bruns
- [Air-L] Online Reviewing as Unpaid Labor
Burrough, Christine
- [Air-L] CfPapers & Panels: "New Technologies in World Society: new frontiers for International Relations" | European International Studies Association
Calderaro, Andrea
- [Air-L] THIS FRIDAY! The Radical Media Forum presents: We Can Do It! Gender, activism and technology – Bridging theory and practice
Elinor Carmi
- [Air-L] Ideas? extracting posts and responses from a private Facebook group
Violeta Carrion
- [Air-L] 2 positions at Arizona State University, Hugh Downs School
Pauline Cheong
- [Air-L] Online Behaviours of Convicted UK Terrorists
Maura Conway
- [Air-L] Social media data collection tools
Nina Duque
- [Air-L] Social media data collection tools
Sukaina Ehdeed
- [Air-L] Hackademia Summer School
Enid Gabriella Coleman, Dr.
- [Air-L] CFP: ICA Internet governance pre-conference
Dmitry Epstein
- [Air-L] Keynote speakers, registration fees, date correction - CaTaC'16
Charles Ess
- [Air-L] Twitter data collection tools
Deen Freelon
- [Air-L] Social media data collection tools
Deen Freelon
- [Air-L] Social media data collection tools
Deen Freelon
- [Air-L] Tenure Track Faculty Position in Information and Media Studies
Freund, Luanne
- [Air-L] Call: Conference Panel ”The Marxist Critique of the Political Economy of the Media” at the 2nd Marx Conference
Christian Fuchs
- [Air-L] C. Fuchs: Reading Marx in the Information Age: A Media and Communication Studies Perspective on Capital Volume 1.
Christian Fuchs
- [Air-L] Announcing the launch of Issue 8 of Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology, Issue 8, edited by Roopika Risam.
Radhika G
- [Air-L] Call for Participation: Computational Social Science Winter Symposium, at GESIS Cologne, Dec 2-3 2015
Tery G
- [Air-L] Job: Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Multimedia Communication
Tery G
- [Air-L] Online Reviewing as Unpaid Labor
Gallagher, John
- [Air-L] New Program: Civic Media Art and Practice (CMAP)
Eric Gordon
- [Air-L] call for teacher education collaborators for AoIR16
Kiersten Greene
- [Air-L] In Solidarity with Library Genesis and Scicence Hub
Seda Gurses
- [Air-L] FW: From the Digital Divide to Digital Citizenship
Michael Gurstein
- [Air-L] FW: [ciresearchers] JoCI - Special Issue on Data Literacy - 2nd call for paper
Michael Gurstein
- [Air-L] CFP for ICA Post-Conference on Communicating with Machines - Due Date 12/15/2015
Andrea Guzman
- [Air-L] Ideas? extracting posts and responses from a private Facebook group
Alex Halavais
- [Air-L] Call for papers: Crowd Dynamics: Exploring Conflicts and Contradictions in Crowdsourcing (CHI 2016)
Karin Hansson
- [Air-L] Second call for CSCW2016 workshop: Toward a typology of participation in crowd work
Karin Hansson
- [Air-L] Analysing YouTube comments
Anna E. Haverinen
- [Air-L] Social media data collection tools
Heinz, Lisa
- [Air-L] Twitter data collection tools
Libby Hemphill
- [Air-L] Twitter data collection tools
Libby Hemphill
- [Air-L] Date for IR 17 in Berlin?
Andrew Herman
- [Air-L] Date for IR 17 in Berlin?
Andrew Herman
- [Air-L] CfP ICA-Preconference on Internet Governance in HONG KONG
Herold, David [APSS]
- [Air-L] Date for IR 17 in Berlin?
Rainer Hillrichs
- [Air-L] Online Reviewing as Unpaid Labor
Karim Jetha
- [Air-L] CfP: Special Issue on Mining Social Semantics on the Social Web
Robert Jäschke
- [Air-L] [CSCW 2016] Final Calls for Submissions: 6 November 2015
Brian Keegan
- [Air-L] Digital Humanities
AJ Kelton
- [Air-L] two posts at university of sheffield
Helen Kennedy
- [Air-L] Twitter data collection tools
Gohar F. Khan
- [Air-L] Analysing YouTube comments
Gohar F. Khan
- [Air-L] Twitter Data Collection Tools: Summer of the Responses:
Gohar F. Khan
- [Air-L] Call for Abstracts CYPSY21, Dublin, Ireland, June 27-29 2016
Grainne Kirwan
- [Air-L] Assistant/Associate Professor PR/Advertising UMass Boston
Mathias Klang
- [Air-L] Job Vacancy: Junior Professorship (Media Society)
Leif Kramp
- [Air-L] Job Vacancies: Research Associates with a focus on Comparative Cultural Analysi
Leif Kramp
- [Air-L] Ideas? extracting posts and responses from a private Facebook group
Tracey P. Lauriault
- [Air-L] Social media data collection tools
Alex Leavitt
- [Air-L] 1-year Researcher Position on STS & cities. Munich Center for Technology in Society and the Department of Architecture - DEADLINE: 2 WEEKS
Becky Lentz
- [Air-L] Call for Panel, International Association for the Study of Commons, Regional European Meeting 2016, Bern
Becky Lentz
- [Air-L] REMOTE PARTICIPATION: IGF2015 in Joao Pessoa
Becky Lentz
- [Air-L] McLuhan playlist
Paul Levinson
- [Air-L] preview of talk I'll be giving in Brazil
Paul Levinson
- [Air-L] skype address in Brazil last week about the Kindle revolution
Paul Levinson
- [Air-L] PLAY/REWIND -- Communication Graduate Conference
Merlyna Lim
- [Air-L] Professor position at =?utf-8?Q?Ume=C3=A5_?=University
Simon Lindgren
- [Air-L] REMOTE PARTICIPATION: IGF2015 in João Pessoa
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] Screen casting software recommendations?
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] Anybody workiing assessing web sites for accessibility and safe browsing
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] WEBCAST TODAY: Quartz’s The Next Billion: New York
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] WEBCAST TODAY: Quartz’s The Next Billion: New York
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] Online Reviewing as Unpaid Labor
Sara MacLean
- [Air-L] Ideas? extracting posts and responses from a private Facebook group
Jorge Luis Salcedo Maldonado
- [Air-L] Hiring Asst. Prof in law/policy with focus on journalism/technology
Rosa Mikeal Martey
- [Air-L] Winners of the 2014 McGannon Book Award (& soliciting nominations for 2015)
Alice E. Marwick
- [Air-L] CFP SEADE-CHIIR Workshop on Serendipity
Lori McCay-Peet
- [Air-L] 2nd CFP and Update SEADE-CHIIR Workshop on Serendipity
Lori McCay-Peet
- [Air-L] Deadline extended SEADE-CHIIR Workshop on Serendipity
Lori McCay-Peet
- [Air-L] Now Accepting Submissions For Different Games Conference 2016
Brian McKernan
- [Air-L] Interactivos?'15: Material Cultures in the Digital Age. Call for collaborators
Difusion Medialab-Prado
- [Air-L] Digital Humanities
- [Air-L] CFP Cyberpsychology: Online Self-Disclosure and Privacy - deadline (abstract): 15 November
Walrave Michel
- [Air-L] CFP Cyberpsychology: Online Self-Disclosure and Privacy - deadline (abstract): 15 November
Walrave Michel
- [Air-L] Screen casting software recommendations?
Jackie Militello
- [Air-L] New app for social media translation and annotation
An Xiao Mina
- [Air-L] Call for Papers, Internet Policy Review: "Doing Internet Governance"
Francesca Musiani
- [Air-L] Barcelona CFP 2016 Bridging Gaps: What are the media, publicists & celebrities selling?
Dr Samita Nandy
- [Air-L] Oxford Internet Institute Summer Doctoral Programme 2016
Victoria Nash
- [Air-L] Sussex Humanities Lab Inaugural Lecture: Jonathan Sterne, Lorna Huges, Caroline Bassett
Kate O'Riordan
- [Air-L] PhD Fellowships in Journalism Studies at University of Maryland
Sarah Ann Oates
- [Air-L] Save the Date: Privacy Camp on 26 January 2016 in Brussels, Belgium
Imge Ozcan
- [Air-L] TTOW Symposium (Times and temporalities of the Web) 1-3 December 2015
Camille Paloque-Berges
- [Air-L] IFIP 8.5 eGov/ePart 2016 - General eParticipation track
Panagiotis Panagiotopoulos
- [Air-L] Introducing the inaugural projects and fellows of the Center for Technology, Society & Policy
Galen Panger
Denis Parra
- [Air-L] Social media data collection tools
Desmond U. Patton
- [Air-L] Social media data collection tools
Cherry Mathew Philipose
- [Air-L] PhD in Communication at City University of Hong Kong
Nathaniel Poor
- [Air-L] Social media data collection tools
Héctor Puente
- [Air-L] CfP AoIR 2016 Berlin: Internet Rules!
Cornelius Puschmann
- [Air-L] SMC PhD internship application call for 2016!
- [Air-L] CSCW'16 workshop CfP: CSCW and the "Sharing Economy”: The Future of Platforms as Sites of Work, Collaboration and Trust
- [Air-L] 3 postdoc openings at the Chinese U of Hong Kong
Jack Qiu
- [Air-L] Twitter data collection tools
U. Reips
- [Air-L] Social media data collection tools
U. Reips
- [Air-L] Analysing YouTube comments
Bernhard Rieder
- [Air-L] Online Reviewing as Unpaid Labor
Javier de Rivera
- [Air-L] Extract Comments from Websites
Patricia Rossini
- [Air-L] New Job Openings: Digital Media Ass't Prof at UCF
Anastasia Salter
- [Air-L] Twitter data collection tools
Cory Salveson
- [Air-L] CFP Cultural Transduction Conference
Adrienne Shaw
- [Air-L] "Futures" - the new issue by JVWR has arrived!
Tzafnat Shpak
- [Air-L] Twitter data collection tools
Shulman, Stu
- [Air-L] Twitter data collection tools
Stuart Shulman
- [Air-L] CFP: Transhumanist Education, Politics, and Design
Jörgen Skågeby
- [Air-L] NZ Internet Research Forum 2016
Philippa Smith
- [Air-L] Position Notice: Dean of the College of Liberal Arts - Colorado State University
Catherine Knight Steele
- [Air-L] Syracuse University call for doctoral applicants
Jennifer Stromer-Galley
- [Air-L] Two Tenure track jobs at Penn State
Andrea H. Tapia
- [Air-L] Anybody workiing assessing web sites for accessibility and safe browsing
Peter Timusk
- [Air-L] Anybody workiing assessing web sites for accessibility and safe browsing
Peter Timusk
- [Air-L] CFP: ACM Hypertext 2016
Christoph Trattner
- [Air-L] CFP: ACM Hypertext 2016: Call for Workshop/Tutorial Proposals (Deadline January 15, 2016)
Christoph Trattner
- [Air-L] CFP WWW'16 Workshop: 7th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media (MSM'2016) - Behavioral Analytics on the Web
Christoph Trattner
- [Air-L] CFP WWW'16 Workshop: 7th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media (MSM'2016) - Behavioral Analytics on the Web
Christoph Trattner
- [Air-L] CFP UMAP'16: The 24th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
Christoph Trattner
- [Air-L] Screen casting software recommendations?
Tromble, R.K.
- [Air-L] Ideas? extracting posts and responses from a private Facebook group
Mina Vasalou
- [Air-L] A new e-learning course – Why We Post - The Anthropology of Social Media
Shriram Venkatraman
- [Air-L] Fwd: CALL FOR PAPERS: AfriCHI'16, Nairobi/Kenya, 21 - 25 November 2016
Anja Venter
- [Air-L] Twitter data collection tools
Maurice Vergeer
- [Air-L] Analysing YouTube comments
Maurice Vergeer
- [Air-L] Two Job Positions - Content Producer Lecturer & Media Law/Ethics Open Rank (UNT)
Jacqueline Vickery
- [Air-L] Online Reviewing as Unpaid Labor
Elizabeth Anne Watkins
- [Air-L] Call for Participation: Computational Social Science Winter Symposium, at GESIS Cologne, Dec 2-3 2015
Weller, Katrin
- [Air-L] Networking Workshop in Computational Social Science (open for applications + travel funding, deadline Dec. 10, 2015).
Weller, Katrin
- [Air-L] canada's internet
Barry Wellman
- [Air-L] canada's internet
Mike Zajko
- [Air-L] Reminder: Call for Book Chapters: "Internet Research Ethics for the Social Age: New Cases and Challenges”
Michael T Zimmer
- [Air-L] Ideas? extracting posts and responses from a private Facebook group
Michael T Zimmer
- [Air-L] Deadline near: Call for Chapters/Cases: "Internet Research Ethics for the Social Age: New Cases and Challenges”
Michael T Zimmer
- [Air-L] CFP Digital gaming @revistaAnalisi
daniel aranda
- [Air-L] Call for papers: Digital Game. Anàlisi, issue 54, June 2016
daniel aranda
- [Air-L] Need for Web Scraping software
- [Air-L] Date for IR 17 in Berlin?
Jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] a birthday for Canada's internet
Jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] Digital Humanities
- [Air-L] analysis of how much of the web wayback machine is really archiving
kalev leetaru
- [Air-L] Online Reviewing as Unpaid Labor
- [Air-L] Job Ad: Visiting Assistant Professor of Communication
stephanie schulte
- [Air-L] Job Ad: Visiting Assistant Professor of Communication
stephanie schulte
- [Air-L] [job] NYU ECT: Associate/Full Professor, Learning Science/Education Communication and Technology
sava saheli singh
- [Air-L] CFP: Streams of Consciousness: Data, Cognition and Intelligent Devices
nathaniel tkacz
- [Air-L] Need for Web Scraping software
obinnaojemeni at
- [Air-L] Social media data collection tools
Юрий Рыков
- [Air-L] Social media data collection tools
יוחנן ועקנין
Last message date:
Mon Nov 30 11:54:29 PST 2015
Archived on: Tue Aug 27 14:02:59 PDT 2024
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