[Air-L] CfPapers & Panels: "New Technologies in World Society: new frontiers for International Relations" | European International Studies Association

Calderaro, Andrea Andrea.Calderaro at EUI.eu
Tue Nov 17 03:18:43 PST 2015

Apologies for CrossPosting


Cf Papers & Panels

New Technologies in World Society: New frontiers for International Relations

European International Studies Association<http://www.eisa-net.org/> Annual Conference
Izmir, Turkey, 7-10 September 2016

Section Chairs:
Andrea Calderaro - Cardiff University
Madeline Carr - Aberystwyth University

This section calls for papers and panels addressing the latest theoretically driven and empirically grounded research in the field of International Relations with the goal of challenging and extending our understanding of world politics in the Information Age.

It is becoming increasingly apparent that challenges and opportunities related to Internet technology raise questions beyond the technical. In fact, cyber-security, Internet governance, jurisdictional questions and the distribution of online resources are largely political issues that can reinforce, dispute or contest existing concepts and ideas about global politics in world society. While other disciplines like law, sociology and computer science have engaged closely with the Information Age, International Relations scholars have yet to bring the full analytic power of their discipline to developing our understanding of what new digital technologies mean for concepts like war, peace, security, cooperation, human rights, equity and power. This section’s goal is to establish clear lines of dialogue between empirical research and innovative methodological approaches to the Internet and global politics, from both a scholarly relevant as well policy oriented perspective. In this context, we expect to collect proposals around the following themes:

1) Internet Governance
2) Cyber security and Cyber Warfare
3) Digital Technologies and Transnational Politics
4) Internet and Human Rights
5) Digital Diplomacy

Please find more information about the conference here: http://www.paneuropeanconference.org/2016/
And the section: http://www.paneuropeanconference.org/2016/section.php?s=96

Proposal must be submitted by the 8th January via the EISA conference tool<http://www.paneuropeanconference.org/2016/spage.php?s=52> (http://www.paneuropeanconference.org/2016/spage.php?s=52<https://www.conftool.pro/paneuropean2016/>)

Please do not hesitate to contact section chairs for any inquires or to informally discuss your proposal.
Andrea Calderaro (Andrea.calderaro at eui.eu<mailto:Andrea.calderaro at eui.eu>) - Madeline Carr (madeline.carr at aber.ac.uk<mailto:madeline.carr at aber.ac.uk>)

Andrea Calderaro, PhD

Lecturer in International Relations | Cardiff University
Associate "Internet Policy Observatory" | Center for Global Communications Studies (CGCS) - Annenberg Centre/University of Pennsylvania
Chair "Internet & Politics" Standing Group | European Consortium of Political Research (ECPR)
Research Fellow "Centre for Internet & Human Rights" | European University Viadrina
Editor “Digital Technologies & Global Politics” Book Series | Rowman&Littlefield

Latest Paper:
Internet Governance Capacity Building in Post-Authoritarian Contexts. Telecom Reform & Human Rights in Myanmar. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2686095
Personal Page: www.andreacalderaro.net<http://www.andreacalderaro.net>
Twitter: @andreacalderaro

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