[Air-L] NZ Internet Research Forum 2016

Philippa Smith philippa.smith at aut.ac.nz
Wed Nov 25 16:58:49 PST 2015

Dear AOIR community,

The second forum of the New Zealand Internet Research group will be held on 4th and 5th  February, 2016 at Auckland University of Technology.  This forum, organised jointly by AUT and InternetNZ, aims to bring together Internet researchers and interested parties to discuss their proposed, current and finished research with the New Zealand Internet community.  Both technical and non-technical streams are incorporated as part of the forum with the objective to  support the continued establishment of a network of researchers working in a wide range of fields such as social media, virtual worlds, cyber security, online activism, crowdsourcing, computer engineering, copyright, gaming, digital politics, online communities, the virtual public sphere, online journalism, and digital literacy.  More information can be found here for those people wishing to attend. You are also welcome to distribute this information to others you think might be interested:


You are also welcome to distribute this information to others you think might be interested.

Kind regards



Philippa Smith
Senior Lecturer
Auckland University of Technology

[QS rankings]<https://www.aut.ac.nz/qs>


P 09 921 9999 ext 8276    E philippa.smith at aut.ac.nz<mailto:philippa.smith at aut.ac.nz>    W aut.ac.nz<https://www.aut.ac.nz>


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