[Air-L] Special Issue of CyberOrient: Problematizing Cyber Warfare

Vit Sisler vsisler at gmail.com
Sat Oct 17 13:13:04 PDT 2015

Dear colleagues,

it is my pleasure to announce that the new issue of the CyberOrient
journal on cyber warfare is available online!

All the best,

Vit Sisler
Managing Editor

CyberOrient, Vol. 9, Iss. 1, 2015
Problematizing Cyber Warfare
Guest Editor: Helga Tawil-Souri


Problematizing Cyber Warfare
Helga Tawil-Souri


Violence and Visibility in Contemporary Syria: An Ethnography of the
“Expanded Places”
Donatella Della Ratta

Islamophobia in Online Arab Media
Ruth Tsuria

The Shifting Nature of Cyberwarfare in Middle Eastern States
Emily Fekete

Visual Representation, Propaganda and Cyberspace: The Case of the
Palestinian Islamist Movements
Attila Kovacs


Presenting the Glossy Look of Warfare in Cyberspace – The Islamic
State’s Magazine Dabiq
Christoph Günther

About CyberOrient

CyberOrient (http://www.cyberorient.net/) is a peer-reviewed journal
published by the American Anthropological Association, in
collaboration with the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in
Prague. The aim of the journal is to provide research and theoretical
considerations on the representation of Islam and the Middle East, the
very areas that used to be styled as an “Orient”, in cyberspace, as
well as the impact of the internet and new media in Muslim and Middle
Eastern contexts.

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