October 2015 Archives by subject
Starting: Thu Oct 1 02:40:11 PDT 2015
Ending: Sat Oct 31 14:51:47 PDT 2015
Messages: 190
- [Air-L] "Definitive" citation for the concept of digital trace data?
Kevin G Crowston
- [Air-L] "Definitive" citation for the concept of digital trace data?
Glassman, Michael
- [Air-L] "Definitive" citation for the concept of digital trace data?
Brian Dear
- [Air-L] "Definitive" citation for the concept of digital trace data?
Robert Ackland
- [Air-L] "Definitive" citation for the concept of digital trace data?
Elijah Wright
- [Air-L] "Definitive" citation for the concept of digital trace data?
Steve Jones
- [Air-L] "Definitive" citation for the concept of digital trace data?
Robert Ackland
- [Air-L] "McLuhan in an Age of Social Media"
Paul Levinson
- [Air-L] "no definitive research yet"
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] #gamergate trolling attack going on now against a feminist tech movement
Zara Rahman
- [Air-L] #gamergate trolling attack going on now against a feminist tech movement
Gilad Lotan
- [Air-L] #gamergate trolling attack going on now against a feminist tech movement
Zara Rahman
- [Air-L] #gamergate trolling attack going on now against a feminist tech movement
Gilad Lotan
- [Air-L] #gamergate trolling attack going on now against a feminist tech movement
Zara Rahman
- [Air-L] #gamergate trolling attack going on now against a feminist tech movement
Gabriela Richard
- [Air-L] 1 Senior Lectureship and 2 Post-Doc STS positions with Steve Woolgar - Department of Thematic Studies (Technology and Social Change)
Becky Lentz
- [Air-L] 20 years Californian Ideology
Geert Lovink
- [Air-L] 2nd CfP LAK16: Edinburgh 25-29th April 2016
Simon Knight
- [Air-L] 67games: calling all games scholars
Anja Venter
- [Air-L] ACM IUI 2016 - CFP abstracts Oct 9 - Papers Oct 14
Denis Parra
- [Air-L] Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology - CFP for Issue 10, Open Call
Sarah T. Hamid
- [Air-L] Air-L Digest, Vol 135, Issue 4
Charles Steinfield
- [Air-L] ANZCA 2016 CFP
Marj Kibby
- [Air-L] Appel de textes: Les pratiques transformatrices de l’espace socionumérique
Gabrielle Trepanier Jobin
- [Air-L] Assistant/Associate Public Relations/Advertising UMass Boston
Mathias Klang
- [Air-L] BISA 2016: Critical Security Studies in the Information Age
Leonie Tanczer
- [Air-L] Book recommendations for social media course
Michael Pennell
- [Air-L] Book recommendations for social media course
Magdalena Olszanowski
- [Air-L] Book recommendations for social media course
Unger, Johann
- [Air-L] Call for Book Chapters: "Internet Research Ethics for the Social Age: New Cases and Challenges”
Michael T Zimmer
- [Air-L] Call for papers - CaTaC'16 - June 16-18, 2016 - University of West London
Charles Ess
- [Air-L] Call for papers: IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies - Special issue on Learning Analytics (Feb 1, 2016 Deadline)
Vitomir Kovanovic
- [Air-L] CFP - Big Data: Critiques and Alternatives
- [Air-L] CFP - Digital Sociology
Jessie Daniels
- [Air-L] CfP - Social Media: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly!
- [Air-L] CfP: 2016 International Conference on Social Media & Society (#SMSociety) - London, UK - July 11-13, 2016
- [Air-L] CFP: Different Games Conference 2016
Brian McKernan
- [Air-L] CFP: Haptic Media Studies - Extended Deadline
Jason Archer
- [Air-L] CfP: “Concerns about Video Games and the Video Games of Concern”, January 20 – 22, 2016
Rune Kristian Nielsen
- [Air-L] CFP AAG2016: Queering code/space: difference, disorientation and the digital
Daniel Cockayne
- [Air-L] CfP gamevironments. games, religion, and stuff
Xenia Zeiler
- [Air-L] CFP Learning at Scale 2016: Full papers deadline extended (Nov 1, 2015)
Vitomir Kovanovic
- [Air-L] Charles Babbage Institute travel funding
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] Communication Technology Book Announcement
Breanna Mcewan
- [Air-L] Conference = AWESOME!
Heinz, Lisa
- [Air-L] Conference = AWESOME!
Julia Ticona
- [Air-L] Conference = AWESOME!
Alex Halavais
- [Air-L] Conference = AWESOME!
Tanja Aitamurto
- [Air-L] Critical Perspectives on Social Media and Protest
Lina Dencik
- [Air-L] crucial topics about digital media
Heider, Donald
- [Air-L] Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA) Opposition Letter -- sign on by Monday @ 9pm eastern
Dave Levine
- [Air-L] Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA) Opposition Letter -- sign on by Monday @ 9pm eastern WITH LETTER
Dave Levine
- [Air-L] Digital Humanities scholars attending IR#16
Matt Willis
- [Air-L] ELD16 Announces Call for Proposals - 11/9/15 deadline
AJ Kelton
- [Air-L] Emergent Media Tenure Track Position Temple University
Hector Postigo
- [Air-L] Ethics of using hacked data.
Nathaniel Poor
- [Air-L] Ethics of using hacked data.
Tim Laquintano
- [Air-L] Ethics of using hacked data.
- [Air-L] Ethics of using hacked data.
Elijah Wright
- [Air-L] Ethics of using hacked data.
Peter Timusk
- [Air-L] Ethics of using hacked data.
Alex Leavitt
- [Air-L] Ethics of using hacked data.
Jeremiah Spence
- [Air-L] Ethics of using hacked data.
Alex Halavais
- [Air-L] Ethics of using hacked data.
Anna Lauren Hoffmann
- [Air-L] Ethics of using hacked data.
Nathaniel Poor
- [Air-L] Ethics of using hacked data.
Dave Dittrich
- [Air-L] Ethics of using hacked data.
Charles Ess
- [Air-L] Ethics of using hacked data.
Fred Fuchs
- [Air-L] Ethics of using hacked data.
Alex Halavais
- [Air-L] Ethics of using hacked data.
Katherine Carpenter
- [Air-L] Ethics of using hacked data.
Bendert Zevenbergen
- [Air-L] Extended Hotel & Regustration Deadlines for ASIS&T 2015 AM
Richard Hill
- [Air-L] FACULTY POSITION: Open Rank (Tenure Track) - The University of Iowa, Tippie College of Business, Department of Management Sciences
Kang Zhao
- [Air-L] Faculty Positions-Big Data/Health Informatics - near NY
Bieber, Michael
- [Air-L] final CFP AAG 2016: Toward a geographical software studies
ryan burns
- [Air-L] Food Souvenirs? re: IR16 Food
Alex Leavitt
- [Air-L] Food Souvenirs? re: IR16 Food
Alex Halavais
- [Air-L] Food Souvenirs? re: IR16 Food
Alex Halavais
- [Air-L] FW: [JoCI] New Special Issue: Research Methods in Community Informatics
Michael Gurstein
- [Air-L] FW: catfishing and non financial identity fraud
- [Air-L] Fwd: Information, Communication & Society, Volume 19, Issue 1, January 2016 is now available online on
Jack Qiu
- [Air-L] Fwd: Information, Communication & Society, Volume 19, Issue 1, January 2016 is now available online on
Radhika G
- [Air-L] Fwd: Postdoctoral Research Associate (Creative Technologies and Making)
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-L] Gamergate teaching resources
Mike Zajko
- [Air-L] Gamergate teaching resources
lindsay blackwell
- [Air-L] Gamergate teaching resources
sky c
- [Air-L] Gamergate teaching resources
Carlin Wing
- [Air-L] Gamification. Critical Approaches
Jarosław Kopeć
- [Air-L] ICA 2016 Call for Panelists
Kristin Dagmar Eckert
- [Air-L] Ideas on in-class activity on memes?
Kathleen Stansberry
- [Air-L] Ideas on in-class activity on memes?
Crystal Abidin
- [Air-L] INC survey about reading & digital publishing formats
Geert Lovink
- [Air-L] Instagram & Uses and Gratifications Theory
Dominique Yong
- [Air-L] intersectional analysis of feminist hackerspaces
Magdalena Olszanowski
- [Air-L] intersectional analysis of feminist hackerspaces
Fiona Barnett
- [Air-L] IR16 - informal spousal activities
Tony Ratcliffe
- [Air-L] IR16 Dinner Dress
Tony Ratcliffe
- [Air-L] IR16 Dinner Dress
Heinz, Lisa
- [Air-L] IR16 Dinner Dress
Mathias Klang
- [Air-L] IR16 Dinner Dress
Mark D. Johns
- [Air-L] IR16 Dinner Dress
Heinz, Lisa
- [Air-L] IR16 Dinner Dress
Alex Halavais
- [Air-L] IR16 Dinner Dress
Holly Kruse
- [Air-L] IR16 Dinner Dress
Richard Forno
- [Air-L] IR16 Dinner Dress
Heinz, Lisa
- [Air-L] IR16 Dinner Dress
gene loeb
- [Air-L] IR16 Food
Alex Halavais
- [Air-L] IR16 Food
Kishonna Gray
- [Air-L] IR16 Food
Andrew Herman
- [Air-L] Issue Mapping book by Rogers et al.
Richard Rogers
- [Air-L] Job Advertisement Department of Mass Communication at the American University of Sharjah
Sohail Dahdal
- [Air-L] Job announcement (UNT Media Arts)
Jacqueline Vickery
- [Air-L] Job Announcement: TT Asst. Prof of Multimedia Journalism, GVSU
Eric Harvey
- [Air-L] Last days: CfP 'Big data: big power shifts?'
lena.ulbricht at wzb.eu
- [Air-L] L at S announces keynotes: Koedinger, Sharples, Mitra. (deadline fast approaching Oct 31)
Vitomir Kovanovic
- [Air-L] List of banned Instagram hashtag searches?
Ben Light
- [Air-L] List of banned Instagram hashtag searches?
Sharif Mowlabocus
- [Air-L] List of banned Instagram hashtag searches?
Tama Leaver
- [Air-L] List of banned Instagram hashtag searches?
Tarleton L. Gillespie
- [Air-L] MA in Social Technologies
Greg Wise
- [Air-L] MA in Social Technologies
Greg Wise
- [Air-L] MA in Social Technologies
Paula Todd
- [Air-L] McLuhan and the academic world
Paul Levinson
- [Air-L] mHealth CFP for Mobile Media and Communication (Sage)
Rich Ling
- [Air-L] Monster.com archival job posts?
Scott Kushner
- [Air-L] NC State looking for Professor or Associated Professor of Media Studies
Nicholas Taylor
- [Air-L] New book-"Public Administration and Policy in the Caribbean" by Indianna Minto-Coy & Evan Berman
Indian na
- [Air-L] New book: Handbook of Digital Politics
Stephen Coleman
- [Air-L] New book: Handbook of Digital Politics
Nathaniel Poor
- [Air-L] New book: Handbook of Digital Politics
Stephen Coleman
- [Air-L] New book: Handbook of Digital Politics
Deen Freelon
- [Air-L] New book: Handbook of Digital Politics
Christian Fuchs
- [Air-L] New book: Handbook of Digital Politics
Patricia Aufderheide
- [Air-L] New book: Handbook of Digital Politics
Alejandro Tortolini
- [Air-L] New book: Handbook of Digital Politics
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] New job vacancy: Junior Professorship "Communication and media studies with a focus on media society"
Dr. Leif Kramp
- [Air-L] OPEN RANK> Faculty Position in Information and Library Science, Indiana University Bloomington
Rosenbaum, Howard S.
- [Air-L] out now: first regular issue of gamevironments. games, religion, and stuff
Xenia Zeiler
- [Air-L] PhD plea: Theory Recommendations for On-to-Offline Harassment Research?
Paula Todd
- [Air-L] PhD plea: Theory Recommendations for On-to-Offline Harassment Research?
Alette Schoon
- [Air-L] PhD plea: Theory Recommendations for On-to-Offline Harassment Research?
Kristin Dagmar Eckert
- [Air-L] PhD plea: Theory Recommendations for On-to-Offline Harassment Research?
Firuzeh Shokooh Valle
- [Air-L] PhD plea: Theory Recommendations for On-to-Offline Harassment Research?
Paula Todd
- [Air-L] PhD plea: Theory Recommendations for On-to-Offline Harassment Research?
Firuzeh Shokooh Valle
- [Air-L] Platform Journal NEW ISSUE: A manifesto for cyborgs thirty years on
Thao Phan
- [Air-L] Profile, Predict and Prevent | Paris, 30-31 October 2015
Benjamin Loveluck
- [Air-L] Reimagining landscapes, real and virtual, in Photomediations Machine
Joanna Zylinska
- [Air-L] Research on the Democratic Divide Online? Do we need it to prompt better solutions?
Steven Clift
- [Air-L] research protocols in search engines
Donatella Selva
- [Air-L] research protocols in search engines
Alex Halavais
- [Air-L] research protocols in search engines
Hollister, Jonathan
- [Air-L] research protocols in search engines
Michael T Zimmer
- [Air-L] Scraping from Instagram
Liam Pomfret
- [Air-L] Scraping from Instagram
Heinz, Lisa
- [Air-L] Scraping from Instagram
a.rauchfleisch at ipmz.uzh.ch
- [Air-L] Scraping from Instagram
Liam Pomfret
- [Air-L] Scraping from Instagram
Bernhard Rieder
- [Air-L] screen casting on tablets and PCs without video files
Eric Lawrence Tsetsi
- [Air-L] seeing northern Arizona beyond IR-16
Barry Wellman
- [Air-L] Seeking literature recommendations: privacy and big data
Oltmann, Shannon M
- [Air-L] Seeking literature recommendations: privacy and big data
Sally Selase Deffor
- [Air-L] Seeking literature recommendations: privacy and big data
Gohar F. Khan
- [Air-L] Seeking literature recommendations: privacy and big data
Phoebe Moore
- [Air-L] social media and research ethics
Tiffany Woelfel
- [Air-L] Social Media Collective at Microsoft Research New England Call for Postdocs
Nancy Baym
- [Air-L] Special Issue of CyberOrient: Problematizing Cyber Warfare
Vit Sisler
- [Air-L] Spring 2016 NYC area adjunct opportunity
Andrew Russell
- [Air-L] STS of digital humanities anyone?
Jarosław Kopeć
- [Air-L] STS of digital humanities anyone?
Marisa Brandt
- [Air-L] Surveillant Antiquities and Modern Transparencies: Exercising and Resisting Surveillance Then and Now
Seda Gurses
- [Air-L] Tenure-Track Asst Professor Position, Computer-Mediated Communication, University of Cincinnati
Steve Depoe
- [Air-L] The Radical Media Forum presents: Friday, 6th Nov - We can do it! Gender, activism and technology – Bridging theory and practice
Elinor Carmi
- [Air-L] Twitter hashtags used without searching in mind
Neil Sadler
- [Air-L] Twitter hashtags used without searching in mind
Unger, Johann
- [Air-L] Twitter Hours
Lydia Crow
- [Air-L] Two postdoc positions at the Oxford Internet Institute
Vili Lehdonvirta
- [Air-L] Two tenure track positions in Writing, Rhetoric & American Cultures
Liza Potts
- [Air-L] Update & Deadline Extended: CFP for Gender and Games Trilogy
Gerald Voorhees
- [Air-L] Update: Getting Around Phoenix for #ir16
Alex Halavais
- [Air-L] Update: Getting Around Phoenix for #ir16
Kristin Dagmar Eckert
- [Air-L] USC Annenberg Press| IJoC Publishes Special Section on the European Public Sphere
Ardevol-Abreu, Alberto
- [Air-L] Vacancies: 3 PhD and 1 post-doc positions available ERC project 'Digital Crossings in Europe': application deadline 30 OCT 2015
Leurs, K.H.A. (Koen)
- [Air-L] WEBCAST FRIDAY: The High Politics of Internet Governance – WSIS+10 Panel @ColumbiaSIPA
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] WEBCAST FRIDAY: The High Politics of Internet Governance – WSIS+10 Panel @ColumbiaSIPA
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] WEBCAST SAT/SUN: Radical / Networks Conference
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] WEBCAST TODAY: CITI Who Owns the World’s Media?
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] WEBCAST TODAY: Live playback of CoinDesk Consensus2015 Blockchain Summit
Ian O'Byrne
- [Air-L] WEBCAST TODAY: Princeton CITP Conference on Internet Censorship, Interference and Control
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] WEBCAST TUE/WED: Computers, Freedom, and Privacy Conference
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] Weekly Historical Twitter Data Giveaways
Shulman, Stu
Last message date:
Sat Oct 31 14:51:47 PDT 2015
Archived on: Tue Aug 27 14:02:59 PDT 2024
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