[Air-L] #gamergate trolling attack going on now against a feminist tech movement
Gilad Lotan
giladlotan at gmail.com
Fri Oct 9 09:06:40 PDT 2015
#takebackthetech may be a new hashtag, but the community behind it, along with other feminist communities, have been gamergate targets over the past couple of months.
> On Oct 9, 2015, at 12:00 PM, Zara Rahman <zara at cihr.eu> wrote:
> Hi Gilad,
> I was writing about trolling the #takebackthetech community specifically, and this is new, according to key members of that community. They emailed earlier today to say it started today.
> Best,
> Zara
> On 09/10/2015 17:57, Gilad Lotan wrote:
>> This is not new. The “gamergate” community has been continuously trolling these issues online.
>> I just published an analysis this morning about the #ShoutYourAbortion hashtag, where the gamergate community is actively engaged against the different Feminist communities -
>> http://qz.com/520309/how-to-tell-whether-a-twitter-user-is-pro-choice-or-pro-life-without-reading-any-of-their-tweets/ <http://qz.com/520309/how-to-tell-whether-a-twitter-user-is-pro-choice-or-pro-life-without-reading-any-of-their-tweets/>
>> Gilad
>>> On Oct 9, 2015, at 11:44 AM, Zara Rahman < <mailto:zara at cihr.eu>zara at cihr.eu <mailto:zara at cihr.eu>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I thought this might be of interest for those of you studying trolling:
>>> there is a (seemingly well-coordinated) Gamergate going on right now
>>> against those using the hashtag #takebackthetech and (to a lesser
>>> extent) #imagineafeministinternet.
>>> Both of these hashtags started with the feminist organisation APC, and
>>> they were/are planning an online twitter discussion tonight on the
>>> impact of onlnie violence against women - but Gamergate trolls seem to
>>> have picked up on it in advance.
>>> The community is organising at the moment on how to respond, but if
>>> you're interested in following/studying/archiving the attack - head to
>>> #takebackthetech <https://twitter.com/hashtag/TakeBackTheTech?src=hash <https://twitter.com/hashtag/TakeBackTheTech?src=hash>>.
>>> For reference: https://www.takebackthetech.net/ <https://www.takebackthetech.net/>
>>> https://www.apc.org/en/about/programmes/womens-networking-support-programme-apc-wnsp <https://www.apc.org/en/about/programmes/womens-networking-support-programme-apc-wnsp>
>>> Thanks - if you end up working on this topic further, please let me
>>> know! And, perhaps this goes without saying but please don't @/tag me or
>>> others in your responses if you choose to respond on Twitter. The
>>> organisers of the twitter chat have already received abusive twitter and
>>> email messages.
>>> Best,
>>> Zara
>>> --
>>> Zara Rahman
>>> Fellow at Centre for Internet and Human Rights
>>> http://zararah.net <http://zararah.net/> | Twitter: @zararah
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