[Air-L] WEBCAST TODAY: CITI Who Owns the World’s Media?

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Tue Oct 20 07:30:52 PDT 2015

The conference will discuss the findings and implications of a ​5 and a
half year ​CITI-led study on international media concentration. This
project brought together author teams from 30 countries examining 13 media
industries in the platform, distribution, and content sectors. The result
is a book published by Oxford University Press
<http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780199987238.do>, to be unveiled at
the conference. The book is 1300 pages in length and includes 800 figures
and tables. It aims to provide a serious data analysis of questions of
media concentration trends, their drivers, the impact of technology, and
variations across countries and industries.

​Things are already underway. As with the State of Telecom
<http://isoc-ny.org/p2/8126> yesterday Eli Noam's opening overview is

joly posted: " Today Tuesday October 20th 2015 the Columbia Institute for
Tele-Information presents a follow up to yesterday's State of Telecom at
the Columbia University, NYC with the theme Who Owns the World's Media?
Ownership and Concentration Around the World. The"

[image: Who owns the World's Media?]
<http://livestream.com/internetsociety2/citimedia/> Today* Tuesday October
20th 2015 * the *Columbia Institute for Tele-Information*
<http://www.citicolumbia.org/> presents a follow up to yesterday's *State
of Telecom <http://isoc-ny.org/p2/8126>* at the Columbia University, NYC
with the theme *Who Owns the World's Media? Ownership and Concentration
Around the World <http://www.citicolumbia.org/events/2015/whoowns.html>*.
The event will be webcast live via the *Internet Society livestream #2
channel* <https://livestream.com/internetsociety2/citimedia>.

*What: Who Owns the World's Media? Ownership and Concentration Around the
World <http://www.citicolumbia.org/events/2015/whoowns.html>*
* Where: Columbia University*
* When: Tuesday October 20th 2015 9am-6pm EDT | 0500-1400 UTC*
* Agenda: http://www.citicolumbia.org/events/2015/whoowns.html
* Webcast: https://livestream.com/internetsociety2/citimedia
* Twitter: #whoownsthemedia

Comment <http://isoc-ny.org/p2/8130#respond>   See all comments



Joly MacFie  218 565 9365 Skype:punkcast

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