[Air-L] Scraping from Instagram

Liam Pomfret l.pomfret at business.uq.edu.au
Wed Oct 14 17:57:18 PDT 2015

Thanks Lauri and Lisa,

We played around with Ncapture earlier in the project while looking at other social media platforms. Unfortunately, it doesn't support capturing data from Instagram.

Thanks for the heads up on Tag Sleuth Lisa. I used the desktop version of TweetArchivist myself, but I wasn't familiar with this tool. Unfortunately, we're looking here to analyse a campaign that's already been run, rather than one that's currently in progress, so Tag Sleuth doesn't really fit our needs. I'll certainly be keeping that one in the tool box for future use however!


Liam Pomfret  l  PhD Student  l  UQ Business School

The University of Queensland l Brisbane QLD 4072 l AUSTRALIA
E: l.pomfret at business.uq.edu.au | T: @LiamPomfret | W: https://business.uq.edu.au

-----Original Message-----
From: Heinz, Lisa [mailto:ls144009 at ohio.edu] 
Sent: Thursday, 15 October 2015 10:38 AM
To: Liam Pomfret
Cc: air-l at listserv.aoir.org
Subject: Re: [Air-L] Scraping from Instagram

Just a suggestion... I use TweetArchivist.com for pulling Twitter hashtag data. They also have a related tool called Tag Sleuth that tracks hashtags across platforms. Though I haven't used it yet, it might be worth a try. Both have an initial free trial period then a monthly fee. Good luck! 


Lisa M. Heinz
PhD Student
E.W. Scripps School of Journalism
Ohio University, Scripps College of Communication

@LivingRural on Twitter

Sent from my iPhone

-----Original Message-----
From: lgoldkind at gmail.com [mailto:lgoldkind at gmail.com] On Behalf Of Lauri Goldkind
Sent: Thursday, 15 October 2015 10:34 AM
To: Liam Pomfret
Subject: Re: [Air-L] Scraping from Instagram

Hi Liam,
Have you tried the Nvivo plug in called Ncapture? They say that it can do it. I have not used it with instagram specifically, but I have used it on facebook scraping with fantastic success, such as better than anything else..
Here's an unofficial guidebook:


> On Oct 14, 2015, at 8:26 PM, Liam Pomfret <l.pomfret at business.uq.edu.au> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm currently involved in a project looking at consumer responses to social marketing campaigns in social media. I've been asked to try and scrape some data from Instagram relating to a campaign account and hashtag (likes, text of comments, etc), however I'm not having much luck in doing that. It seems like a recent Instagram site redesign may have broken a number of the tools that would've been effective previously. Was just wondering if anyone here might be able to point me towards something which is still working? If possible, preferably something that can be used effectively without the user having a lot of knowledge or skill at programming.
> Kind regards,
> Liam Pomfret
> _______________________________________________________
> Liam Pomfret  l  PhD Student  l  UQ Business School
> The University of Queensland l Brisbane QLD 4072 l AUSTRALIA
> E: l.pomfret at business.uq.edu.au | T: @LiamPomfret | W: 
> https://business.uq.edu.au
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