[Air-L] CfP gamevironments. games, religion, and stuff

Xenia Zeiler xenia.zeiler at helsinki.fi
Thu Oct 15 05:42:56 PDT 2015

Call for Papers
gamevironments. games, religion, and stuff
Papers Due: 15.01.2016

The online journal gamevironments, http://www.gamevironments.org/,  
highlighting video gaming as related to religion, culture, and  
society, invites paper submissions for its next regular issue.

As the journal’s title suggests, researching video games by today is  
not limited to the established media-centered approaches. On the  
contrary, also the ‘games/gaming’ – ‘environments’ and actor-centered  
approaches need to be highlighted. Gamevironments consist of both, the  
technical environments of video games/gaming and the cultural  
environments of video games/gaming. The journal welcomes contributions  
applying all approaches and highlighting all fields of investigation  
related to video games/gaming and religion, culture, and society in  
the diverse global video game and gaming landscape.

We include different categories of texts in the journal: regular  
academic articles, interviews (f.e. with games designers), research  
reports, book reviews and game reviews. For more information, please  
see http://www.gamevironments.org/?page_id=61.

15.01.2016 Full Chapter Submission
28.02.2016 Review Results Returned
30.04.2016 Revised Chapter Submission
31.06.2016 Online Publication

If you have any questions, for instance if you want to discuss your  
paper idea or abstract prior to submission, don’t hesitate to contact  
us: radde at uni-bremen.de.

Kerstin Radde-Antweiler and Xenia Zeiler

Prof. Dr. Xenia Zeiler
Associate Professor
South Asian Studies

P.O. Box 59 (Unioninkatu 38B)
00014 University of Helsinki, Finland
+358 50 4482713

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