[Air-L] new issue of The Journal of Media Innovations
Charles Ess
charles.ess at gmail.com
Sun Sep 6 07:27:28 PDT 2015
Dear AoIRists,
I'm very pleased to announce the publication of the fourth issue of The
Journal of Media Innovations (Volume 2, Issue 2):
As you can see by the Table of Contents below, our articles range from
Scandinavia (Bergen, Norway; Åland, Finland) to Flanders and Spain – and
take up diverse theoretical and empirical approaches to: 2nd screen uses,
public service media, local newspapers, and innovative approaches to
designing “hyper-local” journalism for novel forms of radio.
At the same time, the last three papers share a normative interest in
journalism and communication as critical to democratic societies, and, more
broadly, continue the focus on innovation in journalism as a primary
emphasis of The Journal of Media Innovations (see especially Vol. 1, issue
Kudos and many thanks to Anders Olof Larsson, Editorial Assistant, and to
Anders Fagerjord, Layout Editor, who extended the offerings in this issue
to include html versions of selected articles. We are equally grateful to
our many reviewers, as well as to Arne Krumsvik, book review editor.
On behalf of the Editorial Team, we trust you will find insightful and
interesting reading in this issue, and we encourage you to forward this
note to potentially interested readers and contributors to future issues.
Many thanks in advance,
- charles
Table of Contents:
Media innovations: success and paradox. (Editorial Introduction)
Charles Melvin Ess
An Audience Perspective on the 2nd Screen Phenomenon
Jonas De Meulenaere, Lizzy Bleumers, Wendy Van den Brock
>From rhetorics to practice: implementation of technological innovation
within Spanish public service media
David Fernández-Quijada, Montse Bonet, Roberto Suárez Candel, Luis Arboledas
Frugal Innovation in a Strange Place: Newspaper Differentiation on Åland
Carl-Gustav Lindén
Designing the Amplifon. A locative sound medium to supplement DAB radio
Lars Nyre
Book Review
Mobility and Locative Media. Mobile communication in hybrid spaces. Adriana
de Souza e Sliva and Mimi Sheller (eds). Routledge, 2015. Lars Nyre
Professor in Media Studies
Department of Media and Communication
University of Oslo
Director, Centre for Research in Media Innovations (CeRMI)
Editor, The Journal of Media Innovations
President, INSEIT <www.inseit.net>
Postboks 1093
Blindern 0317
Oslo, Norway
c.m.ess at media.uio.no
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