[Air-L] Call for Participation - RDA/ADHO Workshop: Evaluating Research Data Infrastructure Components and Engaging in their Development

Lindsay Poirier lindsay.poirier13 at gmail.com
Wed May 4 12:53:16 PDT 2016

RDA/ADHO Workshop: Evaluating Research Data Infrastructure Components and
Engaging in their Development

Schedule: July 12, 2016 9:30am-4:00pm

Workshop URL:

Please come to a full-day workshop, sponsored by the Research Data Alliance
(RDA), leading up to the DH2016 <http://dh2016.adho.org/> conference in Kraków,
Poland.  The workshop will be focused on evaluating and engaging data
infrastructure in the humanities.  RDA is an international initiative to
facilitate the development of effective data practices, standards and
infrastructure in particular research domains, and across domains. It aims
to enhance capacity to archive, preserve, analyze and share data, and for
collaboration both within and across research communities.

The purpose of this workshop is to conduct a meaningful examination of the
data fabric and infrastructure components being defined by the RDA, to test
their relevance and applicability to the needs of the digital humanities
community, and to discuss opportunities for humanities engagement in
further standards development.  This will be a full day workshop in the
format of a hands-on round-table and open discussion. Participants will be
asked to come prepared to discuss details of particular use cases, as well
as solutions and needs relevant to two of the initial outputs of the RDA:
the Persistent Identifier (PID) Types
and Data Types Registry (DTR)
In advance of the workshop, organizers will provide summaries of these
outputs and detailed examples of their analysis for use cases in humanities
and other relevant domains.

We are seeking workshop participants with both established and emerging
projects. Leading up to the workshop, we will ask participants to fill out
a questionnaire and create a use case. If you are interested in attending
this workshop, please contact Lindsay Poirier, poiril at rpi.edu, for further

Workshop Leaders: Bridget Almas, Tufts University, bridget.almas at tufts.edu;
Kim Fortun, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, fortuk at rpi.edu; Natalie
Harrower, Digital Repository of Ireland, n.harrower at ria.ie; Eveline
Wandl-Vogt, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Dariah-EU,
Eveline.Wandl-Vogt at oeaw.ac.at

Conference: This workshop will take place at the Digital Humanities 2016
conference in Kraków, Poland, July 11-16.

Registration: To participate in this workshop, individuals should register
for DH2016 at http://dh2016.adho.org/registration/ and be sure to also
register for the workshop.

*Contact:* Lindsay Poirier, poiril at rpi.edu

Lindsay Poirier
Lead Platform Architect, PECE
RDA Data Share Fellow
PhD Student, Teaching Assistant
Science and Technology Studies | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
poiril at rpi.edu | lindsaypoirier.com

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