[Air-L] Internet Policy Review special issue: Doing internet governance

Frédéric Dubois frederic.dubois at hiig.de
Thu Oct 6 02:32:27 PDT 2016

[image: Doing Internet Governance]
S P E C I A L   I S S U E

What are the invisible politics at work in the governance of the internet?
Do companies frame the work of app developers and webmasters? What are the
power structures behind Bitcoin? Was the Free Basics controversy in India a
clear case of the clash of ideologies? These, and many more questions are
tackled within the most recent publication Doing Internet Governance: The
Practices, Controversies, Infrastructures, and Institutions
of the* Internet Policy Review*.

This special issue makes an argument for, and illustrates, the
applicability of a science and technology studies (STS) informed approach
to internet governance research. An editorial and ten articles by a broad
range of scholars aim to add to the mainstream internet governance
scholarship by unpacking macro questions of politics and power. They do so
through the analysis of the mundane and taken-for-granted practices and
discourses that constitute the design, regulation, maintenance, and use of
both technical and institutional arrangements of internet governance.
Together, this body of work calls to rethink how we conceptualise both
internet and governance.
Take a look

The editors of this special issue are Dmitry Epstein, Department of
Communication, University of Illinois at Chicago (dmitry at uic.edu
<dmitry at uic.edu?subject=IPR+Special+Edition:+Doing+Internet+Governance>),
Katzenbach, Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (
katzenbach at hiig.de
<katzenbach at hiig.de?subject=IPR+Special+Edition:+Doing+Internet+Governance>)
and Francesca Musiani, Institute for Communication Sciences,
CNRS/Paris-Sorbonne/UPMC (francesca.musiani at cnrs.fr
<francesca.musiani at cnrs.fr?subject=IPR+Special+Edition:+Doing+InternetGovernance>

[image: Doing Internet Governance]

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