[Air-L] PhD scholarship in media studies with special focus on visual images of conflicts (University of Copenhagen)

Mette Mortensen metmort at hum.ku.dk
Thu Oct 6 02:35:54 PDT 2016

PhD Scholarship in media studies with special focus on visual images of

The Department of Media, Cognition, and Communication, Faculty of
Humanities, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, invites applications for a
3-year PhD scholarship. The successful candidate will be situated within
the "Images of Conflict, Conflicting Images" (ICCI) core group project
supported by the Velux Foundation. The scholarship is expected to begin
February 1, 2017, or as soon as possible thereafter.

Deadline for applications November 16 2016. Please see this link for
details about the position and the application requirements:

Mette Mortensen, PhD
Associate professor
Section of Film, Media and Communication
Department of Media, Cognition and Communication
University of Copenhagen
Karen Blixensvej 4
(+45)3532 9181
metmort at hum.ku.dk<mailto:metmort at hum.ku.dk>
Recent books:
- Journalism and Eyewitness Images: Digital Media, Participation, and
Conflict. Routledge (2015).
- News Across Media. Production, Distribution and Consumption. Routledge:
2016. Co-edited with Jakob Linaa Jensen & Jacob Ørmen.
- The Dynamics of Mediatized Conflicts. Peter Lang: 2015. Co-edited with
Mikkel Fugl Eskjær & Stig Hjarvard.

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