[Air-L] DEADLINE EXTENDED: Rethinking digital health

Adi Kuntsman adi_kuntsman at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 21 02:34:10 PDT 2017

******Deadline extended to 1 May. Limited travel fundingavailable for presenters****** Please circulate widely.  CFP: Rethinking digital health: experience,ethics, justice. A one day workshop for postgraduate students and early career researchers. 14 June 2017 https://sites.google.com/view/rethinkingdigitalhealth/home   The Shed, Manchester MetropolitanUniversity
Organisers: EJ Gonzalez-Polledo (Sheffield University), Adi Kuntsman(Manchester Metropolitan University), Esperanza Miyake (Manchester MetropolitanUniversity) In the recentyears, with the increasing use of tele-communication, mobile devices,smartphone apps and self-tracking devices for medical purposes, ‘digitalhealth’ has emerged as a field of interest for researchers in the socialsciences and the humanities. At the centre of this small but rapidly growingarea of interdisciplinary investigation are studies of websites and platformsfor medical care providers and patients’ self-help forums; conceptualexplorations of topics such as ‘digital embodiment’ or the ‘quantified self’;as well as explorations of digital health from the point of view of big data.However, these approaches often overlook issues relating to under- or mis-represented groups in ‘digital’ economies, and often celebrate, rather thancritically interrogate, the development of digital health itself. This workshopaims to challenge some of the unquestioned assumptions that guide researchers andpractitioners of digital health alike. We ask instead: How might a focus onexperience, ethics and justice contribute to critical digital health studies? In this one-dayworkshop we invite submissions from postgraduate students and early careerresearchers in social sciences, social care, humanities and the arts, whosework deals with digital health. Our aim is to collectively raise questions thathave not yet made their ways to the field of digital health. Suggested topicsinclude:
   - Overt and covert exclusions in digital health practices
   - Marginalised and disenfranchised communities and digital health
   - Race, racism and digital health
   - Digitisation, health care and disability justice
   - Ethics and politics of bio data/big data 

In addition topresenting your own work, you will have the opportunity to discuss relationsbetween digital media, research methods and critical health research in themasterclass ‘Chronic Media Worlds – Social media, epistemic justice andcritical health politics’; and take part in an interactive workshop on ‘Optingout? Digital health and digital disengagement’. Submissionguidelines: please send a 300 word abstract and a short bio to rethinkingdigitalhealth at gmail.com by 15 April 2017. Funding: a smallnumber of bursaries is available to cover train travel within the UK (secondclass only. Please indicate on your submission if you would like to beconsidered for the travel bursary). All applicantswill be informed of the outcome by 15 May. For further information on programmeand registration, please check our website https://sites.google.com/view/rethinkingdigitalhealth/home  ​  ---
Dr. Adi Kuntsman
Senior Lecturer, Dept of Languages, Information and Communications
Manchester Metropolitan University
All Saints Campus, Geoffrey Manton 437 
Manchester M15 6LL
Tel: ++44-(0)-161-2476165 
https://sites.google.com/site/adikuntsman/New book out now: SelfieCitizenship http://www.palgrave.com/de/book/9783319452692 

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