April 2017 Archives by date
Starting: Sun Apr 2 15:22:01 PDT 2017
Ending: Sun Apr 30 19:59:41 PDT 2017
Messages: 224
- [Air-L] Questioning the filter bubble
kiran gvr
- [Air-L] why on earth is "this message is confidential"?
Christopher Lueg
- [Air-L] Mediated Conversation minitrack: HICSS CFP
Yoram Kalman
- [Air-L] Moderators needed for the Internet Society (ISOC) Inforum Internet Governance Online Course. - Recherche des Modérateurs pour le cours en ligne ISOC Inforum sur la Gouvernance de l'Internet. .
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] President Trump just signed off on killing your Internet privacy protections
Paulo Ferreira
- [Air-L] President Trump just signed off on killing your Internet privacy protections
Ansgar Koene
- [Air-L] CFP: Complexity of power in the smart city
Seija Ridell
- [Air-L] President Trump just signed off on killing your Internet privacy protections
Dan L. Burk
- [Air-L] Questioning the filter bubble (David Brake)
Anne Helmond
- [Air-L] cfp: 'Digital Economies of Disability' special issue of ICS (abstracts due 31.07.17)
Gerard Goggin
- [Air-L] Ynt: Questioning the filter bubble (David Brake)
binark at hacettepe.edu.tr
- [Air-L] open rank positions at NeRDS (New Research on Digital Society) group
Dariusz Jemielniak
- [Air-L] President Trump just signed off on killing your Internet privacy protections
kalev leetaru
- [Air-L] President Trump just signed off on killing your Internet privacy protections
Richard Forno
- [Air-L] Ynt: Questioning the filter bubble (David Brake)
David Banks
- [Air-L] CFP Reminder: Archives Unleashed 4.0 in London, England, June 2017
Ian Milligan
- [Air-L] FORCE11Communications Fellowship Program
gimena del rio riande
- [Air-L] Reminder: CfP ECREA Symposium Digital Democracy: Critical Perspectives in the Age of Big Data
Anne Kaun
- [Air-L] Deadline approaching - CfP Different Bodies: (Self-)Representation, Disability and the Media
Jacob Johanssen
- [Air-L] Questioning the filter bubble
DY Wohn
Mel Stanfill
- [Air-L] Sources & Lesson suggestions for Writing for the Public- on the Web
Cristina Migliaccio
- [Air-L] diverse US pubTV programs under attack--support response?
Patricia Aufderheide
- [Air-L] Reminder: CFP 6th New Zealand Discourse Conference 6-9 December 2017
Philippa Smith
- [Air-L] Call for Proposals - Netflix at the Nexus: Content, Practice, and Production in the Age of Streaming Television
Theo Plothe
- [Air-L] Participate: International survey on Open Government Data
Samagan Aitymbetov
- [Air-L] VIDEO: Internet Privacy Technology and Policy: What Lies Ahead?
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] WEBCAST FRI/SAT: Theorizing the Web
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] Social Media and Communities @ HICSS (deadline June 15)
Dan Suthers
- [Air-L] CfP: Reconsidering Design for Civic Engagement and Participation
Karin Hansson
- [Air-L] Lit on ethics & privacy issues of facial recognition and other biometrics?
Cory Robinson
- [Air-L] Lit on ethics & privacy issues of facial recognition and other biometrics?
- [Air-L] Lit on ethics & privacy issues of facial recognition and other biometrics?
Isabelle Zaugg
- [Air-L] Lit on ethics & privacy issues of facial recognition and other biometrics?
- [Air-L] Queer Circuits Special Issue of Women & Performance
Benjamin Haber
- [Air-L] The Human Standard: Why Ethical Considerations Should Drive Technological Design Webinar
Ansgar Koene
- [Air-L] 5th European Conference on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS 2017): Fourth Call for Papers
Announce Announcements
- [Air-L] Collaborative Economies – From Sharing to Caring - Workshop at Communities & Technology 2017
Stefano De Paoli
- [Air-L] 8th IEEE International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA 2017): Fifth Call for Papers
Announce Announcements
- [Air-L] CfP: International Conference on Smart Learning Environments (ICSLE 2017)
Elvira Popescu
- [Air-L] [ABS CFPs] Rethinking Digital Media and Citizenship: Conditions, Contexts, and Consequences
Seungahn Nah
- [Air-L] Dissertation and Book Award Deadline - 15 April 2017
Michelle, AoIR Association Coordinator
- [Air-L] FYI: MSCA-IF calls for postdoc positions uo to 3 years at TUT
Simona Lohan
- [Air-L] Fwd: DPASSH 2017 Registration and Programme
Natalie Harrower
- [Air-L] Extension: CfP International Seminar "Information Technology & Culture" (ITC 2017)
Radomir Bolgov
- [Air-L] Unpublished studies for meta-analysis on unproctored ability assessment
Timo Gnambs
- [Air-L] Call for Papers: Special Issue on Research in Political Engineering, Public Policy Engineering, Computational Politics, and Computational Public Policy, International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age (IJPADA)
Ashu M. G. Solo
- [Air-L] Book Announcement: Queer Game Studies
Adrienne Shaw
- [Air-L] Call for Participation: ACM Summer School on Recommender Systems
Christoph Trattner
- [Air-L] AoIR Elections -- Join the Discussion
Jennifer Stromer-Galley
- [Air-L] Updated Programme for the mobileGov World Summit 2017
emre at mgovernment.net
- [Air-L] Compiled sources from request for readings regarding ethics and privacy in biometrics
Cory Robinson
- [Air-L] Call for applications 4th Europe-China Dialogue: Media and Communication Studies Summer School Beijing, China (10/07-19/07, 2017)
Gianluigi Negro
- [Air-L] 16th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning (mLearn 2017): Call for Papers
Announce Announcements
- [Air-L] Call for YECREA workshop on 'Digital methods for studying algorithms: complicating the socio-technical relation'
Julia Velkova
- [Air-L] [SAVE THE DATE] May 10, 2017 - Social Network Analysis ADVANCED seminar - Italy, Milan
Alessandro Zonin
- [Air-L] 3 PhD Scholarships: Migration Studies and Technology at the Danube University Krems, Austria
Noella Edelmann
- [Air-L] WEBCAST TODAY: GIP Digital Watch Briefing: Internet Governance in March 2017
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] The CASTAC and the Society for the Anthropology of Work invite nominations for the Forsythe Prize.
Gabriella "Biella" Coleman
- [Air-L] Call for Industry Talk Proposals at ACM RecSys 2017 (Deadline: April 15, 2017)
Christoph Trattner
- [Air-L] CFP: Learning in Digital and Social Media @ HICSS (due June 15)
Dan Suthers
- [Air-L] CFP Migration and communication flows: rethinking borders, conflict and identity through the digital, Bilbao 2-3 November 2017
Leurs, K.H.A. (Koen)
- [Air-L] Techno-Galactic Software Observatory
Seda Guerses
- [Air-L] Communities & Technologies 2017, Troyes, France - Doctoral Consortium and Workshops
Korn, Matthias
- [Air-L] Call for participants for phone/Skype interviews: Study on doxing/private info put online WITHOUT your consent
K Eckert
- [Air-L] CFP: M/C Journal 'depict' Issue
Axel Bruns
- [Air-L] CeDEM17 Progamme Available & We Hope to See You There!
Noella Edelmann
- [Air-L] 21st European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS 2017): Final Call for Papers
Announce Announcements
- [Air-L] Can anyone recommend a good app for recording Skype calls on Windows?
Alice E. Marwick
- [Air-L] Can anyone recommend a good app for recording Skype calls on Windows?
Dmitry Epstein
- [Air-L] Can anyone recommend a good app for recording Skype calls on Windows?
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] Can anyone recommend a good app for recording Skype calls on Windows?
Raquel Rennó
- [Air-L] Can anyone recommend a good app for recording Skype calls on Windows?
Patricia Rossini
- [Air-L] 3 year Lecturer post in Social Media at Maynooth University, Ireland
Kylie Jarrett
- [Air-L] Can anyone recommend a good app for recording Skype calls on Windows?
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] Can anyone recommend a good app for recording Skype calls on Windows?
Elizabeth Bailey
- [Air-L] Can anyone recommend a good app for recording Skype calls on Windows?
Marco Campana
- [Air-L] Can anyone recommend a good app for recording Skype calls on Windows?
benallenmorton at gmail.com
- [Air-L] Can anyone recommend a good app for recording Skype calls on Windows?
Samantha Close
- [Air-L] Call for Abstracts - #ScreentimeBU: Fake News, Real Emotion, and The Mediated Self
Jacob Groshek
- [Air-L] Deadline Extension: I International Conference "Digital Territories" (Granada, Spain)
Esteban Romero Frías
- [Air-L] Can anyone recommend a good app for recording Skype calls on Windows?
Julian Hopkins
- [Air-L] Can anyone recommend a good app for recording Skype calls on Windows?
Leah Lievrouw
- [Air-L] Anonymizing Twitter handles
Ye Na Lee
- [Air-L] Anonymizing Twitter handles
Michael T Zimmer
- [Air-L] Anonymizing Twitter handles
Maurice Vergeer
- [Air-L] Anonymizing Twitter handles
- [Air-L] Fw: Second Call for Papers on Technology-driven unemployment: dilemmas for ethics and social welfare
- [Air-L] Call for Panelists: Co-creation of Open mobileGovernment Services
emre at mgovernment.net
- [Air-L] Anonymizing Twitter handles
Bernhard Rieder
- [Air-L] Can anyone recommend a good app for recording Skype calls on Windows?
Valeria Lo Iacono
- [Air-L] Anonymizing Twitter handles
Shulman, Stu
- [Air-L] Discussion Open to Candidates Running for AoIR Executive Committee
Jennifer Stromer-Galley
- [Air-L] Anonymizing Twitter handles
José María Mateos
- [Air-L] Job Posting: Executive Director, National Coalition Against Censorship (NYC)
Chris Peterson
- [Air-L] Anonymizing Twitter handles
Deen Freelon
- [Air-L] 9th International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence (ICCCI 2017): Last Call for Papers
Announce Announcements
- [Air-L] 2017 CMCS Keynotes and Extended CFP Deadline: April 21
Dr Samita Nandy
- [Air-L] Can anyone recommend a good app for recording Skype calls on Windows? (Paul Symonds)
Symonds, Paul
- [Air-L] MEETUP/WEBCAST 4/22 – NSF/Mozilla Wireless Innovation for a Networked Society Challenges NYC Launch
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] Job Opening: Research Scientist @ Technology and Social Change Group (TASCHA) UW
Nic Weber
- [Air-L] Anonymizing Twitter handles
Jodi Schneider
- [Air-L] Transforming higher education's creative capacity
Patrick Blessinger
- [Air-L] Anonymizing Twitter handles
Ye Na Lee
- [Air-L] New book: Wikipedia, Work and Capitalism
Arwid Lund
- [Air-L] WEBCAST TODAY: The Future of Broadband Privacy and the Open Internet—Who Will Protect Consumers?
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] Postdoctoral position in media studies with special focus on visual images of conflicts (University of Copenhagen)
Mette Mortensen
- [Air-L] CfP: ComplexRec 2017 (RecSys'17 Workshop on Recommendation in Complex Scenarios)
Toine Bogers
- [Air-L] Interesting conferences?
Jill Walker Rettberg
- [Air-L] Interesting conferences?
Ansgar Koene
- [Air-L] Interesting conferences?
Kalpana Shankar
- [Air-L] New book: Wikipedia, Work and Capitalism
Avner Kantor
- [Air-L] Interesting conferences?
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] New book: Wikipedia, Work and Capitalism
Dariusz Jemielniak
- [Air-L] Interesting conferences?
Nathaniel Poor
- [Air-L] Interesting conferences?
Jacob Groshek
- [Air-L] Self-(Re)Presentation Now Special Issue of Popular Communication
Nancy Thumim
- [Air-L] Digital Ethics submissions
Heider, Donald
- [Air-L] Interesting conferences?
Alex Leavitt
- [Air-L] WEBCAST TODAY: Digital SouthWest Regional Broadband Summit in Mesa AZ
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] interesting conference in Free North America
Barry Wellman
- [Air-L] social media nd society -- speakers
Barry Wellman
- [Air-L] Interesting conferences?
Ian O'Byrne
- [Air-L] Interesting conferences?
Amanda Licastro
- [Air-L] Interesting conferences?
David Nemer
- [Air-L] 1st CFP - Crowds at Risk: Exploitation, Creative Destruction, and the Unintended Effects of Crowdsourcing Workshop @ ECSCW 2017
Karin Hansson
- [Air-L] Collecting snaps and building archives
Anders Hougaard
- [Air-L] AoIR Election Schedule Updates
Michelle, AoIR Association Coordinator
- [Air-L] AoIR Election Schedule Updates
Jeanette Hofmann
- [Air-L] Meet the nominees of the future Executive Committee
Jennifer Stromer-Galley
- [Air-L] NEW BOOK: Can the Internet Strengthen Democracy?
Heather Ford
- [Air-L] Collecting snaps and building archives
Jon Michael Wargo
- [Air-L] Call for Applications VOX-Pol Research Fellowship 2017 - 2018
Reem Ahmed
- [Air-L] Collecting snaps and building archives
Erwin Verbruggen
- [Air-L] Nvivo for facebook pages
mona arslan
- [Air-L] Nvivo for facebook pages
Piergiorgio Degli Esposti
- [Air-L] Nvivo for facebook pages
Silvana di Gregorio
- [Air-L] Nvivo for facebook pages
Silvana di Gregorio
- [Air-L] CfA Individual Research Stays at GESIS, Germany
Schulze, Heidi
- [Air-L] Nvivo for facebook pages
Marisa von Bülow
- [Air-L] Nvivo for facebook pages
Patricia Rossini
- [Air-L] Nvivo for facebook pages
Bernhard Rieder
- [Air-L] Nvivo for facebook pages
Fabio Gouveia
- [Air-L] 2017 Steve Jones Internet Research Lecture Features Larry Smarr
Sarina Chen
- [Air-L] International Symposium on Media Innovations (before AoIR in Tartu)
Indrek Ibrus
- [Air-L] New book: Wikipedia, Work and Capitalism
Jodi Schneider
- [Air-L] Nvivo for facebook pages
Deen Freelon
- [Air-L] Call4Participation (Incentives for NPOs, and NGOs): mobileGov World Summit and Global mobileGov Awards 2017
Prof. I. Kushchu
- [Air-L] Are Twitter Handles identifiable information? (eProtocol section 13)
Ye Na Lee
- [Air-L] Nvivo for facebook pages
Maurice Vergeer
- [Air-L] WEBCAST TODAY: NEDASNYC In-Building Wireless Summit
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] Are Twitter Handles identifiable information? (eProtocol section 13)
Ansgar Koene
- [Air-L] NEW BOOK: Can the Internet Strengthen Democracy?
Heather Ford
- [Air-L] Nvivo for facebook pages
Marisa von Bülow
- [Air-L] Nvivo for facebook pages
Shulman, Stu
- [Air-L] Book Announcement: Information Technologies and Social Orders
Mark D. Johns
- [Air-L] Nvivo for facebook pages
paigealfonzo at gmail.com
- [Air-L] WEBCAST TODAY: Blockchain, cybersecurity, and encryption: The future of policymaking @TechPolicySIPA
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] Nvivo for facebook pages
Deen Freelon
- [Air-L] DEADLINE EXTENDED: Rethinking digital health
Adi Kuntsman
- [Air-L] CFP, Ada, Issue 13: Radical Feminist Storytelling and Speculative Fiction: Creating new worlds by re-imagining hacking
Radhika G
- [Air-L] Learning big data analysis from scratch
Luis Hestres
- [Air-L] Learning big data analysis from scratch
Corinne Cath
- [Air-L] The Political Economy of Hacking Symposium CfP
christina dunbar-hester
- [Air-L] Learning big data analysis from scratch
Jennifer Englund
- [Air-L] Learning big data analysis from scratch
Peter Timusk
- [Air-L] Survey: Values in Visualization Work
Jaime Snyder
- [Air-L] Invitation to attend: 2017 International Conference on Social Media & Society (#SMSociety)
- [Air-L] CFPs Digitising Early Childhood (Abstracts extended to 31 May)
Tama Leaver
- [Air-L] 21st European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS 2017): Last Mile
Announce Announcements
- [Air-L] wonderful Social Media conference in beautiful downtown Toronto
Barry Wellman
- [Air-L] Learning big data analysis from scratch
Jose Marichal
- [Air-L] Questioning the filter bubble
Chris Peterson
- [Air-L] Questioning the filter bubble
Jenny Davis
- [Air-L] Questioning the filter bubble
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] Questioning the filter bubble
Mathew Toll
- [Air-L] Internet Governance Forum IGF2017 workshop proposal
Ansgar Koene
- [Air-L] Media Studies: Three Associate Professor positions at the University of Oslo
Katerina Houben
- [Air-L] Post Doc in Cardiff on Internet of Things policy...
Madeline Carr
- [Air-L] 9th International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence (ICCCI 2017): Last Mile
Announce Announcements
- [Air-L] Displaying All YouTube Comments?
Claudia Nazario
- [Air-L] Displaying All YouTube Comments?
Maurice Vergeer
- [Air-L] Displaying All YouTube Comments?
Michael Stewart
- [Air-L] Displaying All YouTube Comments?
Maurice Vergeer
- [Air-L] Apps as social control
Alfred BOWN (ENG)
- [Air-L] Displaying All YouTube Comments?
Bernhard Rieder
- [Air-L] 'Digital Preservation for the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities' 2017, 14-15 June at the University of Sussex
Sharon Webb
- [Air-L] Reminder of call for abstracts: Our data futures workshop (Tallinn 30.8.2017)
Tuukka Lehtiniemi
- [Air-L] CFA Postgraduate Conference - Digital Communities: interdisciplinary perspective
Chiara Poletti
- [Air-L] Displaying All YouTube Comments?
Silvana di Gregorio
- [Air-L] Deadline Reminder: AoIR Doctoral Colloquium, 20 May 2017
Michelle, AoIR Association Coordinator
- [Air-L] IAMCR pre-conference: Mapping New Perspectives and Debates on Digital Divide in Africa
Massimo Ragnedda
- [Air-L] Two post doc positions at Cardiff Uni
Madeline Carr
- [Air-L] WEBCAST TODAY: Baked In: Can Policy Help Create Incentives in the Cybersecurity Marketplace
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] Displaying All YouTube Comments?
Paula Coruja
- [Air-L] CFP: Mobile solution providers meet the leading public sector change-makers in Brighton, UK
emre at mgovernment.net
- [Air-L] Appel
- [Air-L] Fwd: Reminder: CfP deadline on May 8th!
Zeynep Engin
- [Air-L] CFP: FOCI 2017 @ USENIX (May 26 deadline)
jon penney
- [Air-L] Displaying All YouTube Comments?
Tim Graham
- [Air-L] WEBCAST TODAY: Finnish Internet Forum 2017 in Helsinki
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] 8th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA 2017): Sixth Call for Papers
Announce Announcements
- [Air-L] Couch Internet Research Award 2017
Mark D. Johns
- [Air-L] new api for mapping the geography of global news coverage
kalev leetaru
- [Air-L] WEBCAST TODAY: Platforms for Advanced Wireless Research (PAWR) Proposers’ Day
Joly MacFie
- [Air-L] Open Data Movements in the Age of Big Data Capitalism: WIAS seminar with Arwid Lund and Jonathan Gray
Christian Fuchs
- [Air-L] Tweet ID Datasets
Ed Summers
- [Air-L] CFP: Internet Governance in the Global South
Daniel Oppermann
- [Air-L] The Fansplaining Definitions Survey
Michelle Gardner
- [Air-L] CfP: Reconsidering Design for Civic Engagement and Participation
Karin Hansson
- [Air-L] 1st CFP - Crowds at Risk: Exploitation, Creative Destruction, and the Unintended Effects of Crowdsourcing Workshop @ ECSCW 2017
Karin Hansson
- [Air-L] 5th European Conference on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS 2017): Fifth Call for Papers
Announce Announcements
- [Air-L] The Digital Everyday conference - 6 May at King's College London
Feldman, Zeena
- [Air-L] First CfPs: ACM IUI 2018 (Tokyo, Japan)
Christoph Trattner
- [Air-L] Motivational sentences
María González Aguado
- [Air-L] How to Update or Change Your Subscription Information
Michelle, AoIR Association Coordinator
- [Air-L] Motivational sentences
Nazanin Andalibi
- [Air-L] Digital Objects, Digital Subjects: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on Activism, Research & Critique in the Age of Big Data Capitalism - Conference programme published
Christian Fuchs
- [Air-L] Motivational sentences
Jill Walker Rettberg
- [Air-L] Masterclass Data & Discrimination Dr Seeta Peña Gangadharan, 9 June 2017, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
Leurs, K.H.A. (Koen)
- [Air-L] Motivational sentences
Anne-France KOGAN
- [Air-L] Second CFP E-Vote-ID 2017
- [Air-L] elections reminder
Jennifer Stromer-Galley
- [Air-L] CFP: Global mobileGov Awards 2017
Ibrahim Kushchu
Last message date:
Sun Apr 30 19:59:41 PDT 2017
Archived on: Thu Oct 3 17:38:37 PDT 2024
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