[Air-L] elections reminder

Jennifer Stromer-Galley jstromer at syr.edu
Sun Apr 30 19:04:21 PDT 2017

Hi everyone,

Just a friendly reminder that if you are a dues-paying member of AoIR, voting is under way for the Executive Committee. Members have received emails with information on how to cast their ballots.

If you're a member and haven't yet voted. Take a few minutes, search your email for "Vote for the Next AoIR Executive Committee", and follow the directions to vote.

It would be an amazing expression of the strength of this community to see a majority of the membership cast their ballots!


Jennifer Stromer-Galley | Professor
Director, Center for Computational and Data Sciences
President, Association of Internet Researchers
School of Information Studies
220 Hinds Hall
Syracuse, New York 13244
e jstromer at syr.edu<mailto:jstromer at syr.edu>
My 2016 political social media project: illuminating.ischool.syr.edu<http://illuminating.ischool.syr.edu/>

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