[Air-L] Assistant Professor, Digital Documentary and Multimedia Production (STEM focus), University of Hawaii at Manoa

Jenifer Sunrise Winter jwinter at hawaii.edu
Wed Feb 22 13:51:52 PST 2017

Greetings, AoIR colleagues,

The School of Communications at the University of Hawaii, Manoa is hiring
for a tenure-track position (Assistant Professor, Digital Documentary and
Multimedia Production).


We place a special focus on integrating STEM education into coursework and
contributing to the University of Hawaii’s sustainability initiative.
Review of applications will begin on March 10. Please note that I am not
the contact person. Any inquiries can be directed to sc at hawaii.edu

Some info about our institution: https://manoa.hawaii.edu/about/


Jenifer Sunrise Winter, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Graduate Chair, School of Communications
Co-Director, Pacific Information and Communication Technology for
Development Collaborative
University of Hawaii at Manoa
2550 Campus Road, Crawford Hall 325
Honolulu, HI 96822

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