[Air-L] Reminder & Update: Early Career Scholar Workshop at AoIR 2017

efrat daskal efrat29 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 6 20:16:18 PDT 2017

The Early Career Scholar Workshop at AoIR 2017will take place on the afternoon of Oct. 18 It will focus on issues often facedby scholars who have completed their terminal degree and are in the earlystages of their scholarly career (academic, industry, non-profit, etc.) 
Aspreviously published the participants will have the opportunity to network withpeers and senior scholars and attend a group mentoring session with a seniorscholar. These are the scholars who will participate in our workshop. You canread more about their work in the attached links:

Kath Albury (SwinburneUniversity of Technology, Sydney) – studies young people’s practices of digitalself-representation, the role of user-generated media in youth's sexuallearning and new approaches for training health promotion and sexuality educationprofessionals. https://www.swinburne.edu.au/research/our-research/access-our-research/find-a-researcher-or-supervisor/researcher-profile/?id=kalbury

Libby Hemphill (TheUniversity of Michigan) – studies politicians, non-profit organizations, andtelevision fans to understand how people use social media to organize, discuss,and enact social change http://www.libbyh.com/

Stefania Milan (Theuniversity of Amsterdam) - explores the interplay between digitaltechnology and participation, and activism and social movements inparticular, cyberspace governance, and data epistemologies. http://www.uva.nl/profiel/m/i/s.milan%5B2%5D/s.milan.html

Richard Rogers (Theuniversity of Amsterdam) - a web epistemologist who concentrates on theresearch opportunities that would have been improbable or impossible withoutthe Internet. His research involves studying and building info-tools. http://www.uva.nl/profiel/r/o/r.a.rogers/r.a.rogers.html

Andra Siibak (Universityof Tartu) – studies how people negotiate between the private and public withinan increasingly technologically saturated society with a focus on technologyuse within and among generations and parent/child, teacher/studentcontexts. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Andra_Siibak

Rebekah Tromble(Institute of Political Science, Leiden University) – studies politicalcommunication, especially via digital media while focusing on digital researchmethods, social movement studies, and Muslims and politics. https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/staffmembers/rebekah-tromble#tab-1

Michael Zimmer(University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) - a privacy and internet ethicsscholar, whose work focuses on digital privacy, the ethical dimensions ofsocial media & internet technologies, libraries & privacy, and internetresearch ethics. https://uwm.edu/informationstudies/people/zimmer-michael/

For more information,visit the pre-conference information page on the conference website: https://aoir.org/aoir2017/preconworkshop/#ECS

You also can e-mail Andrea Guzman at alguzman at niu.edu, JeffHemsley at jjhemsle at syracuse.edu., Esther Chin at echin at swin.edu.au, Zach McDowell at zmcdowell at gmail.com and Efrat Daskal at efrat.daskal at mail.huji.ac.il



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