[Air-L] Literature Review - App Store Mining

Gilad Ravid gilad at ravid.org
Thu Apr 26 23:22:26 PDT 2018

   Fink, L., Rosenfeld, L., & Ravid, G. (2018). Longer online reviews are
   not necessarily better. International Journal of Information
   Management, 39, 30-37.
   lookes on the relationships between review length and app success in
   Goolge play and Amazon App store for free and paid apps

   On 04/23/2018 04:16 AM, Myles, David wrote:

Hi everyone!

I’m currently conducting a literature review on app store mining. I was wonderin
g if any of you could recommend papers that use app store data (app product info
 and metadata, users’ reviews and ratings, app rankings). So far, I’ve identifie
d quite a few papers from computer science that develop extracting tools and per
form sentiment analysis (among others).

I’m now searching for papers that look at this data from a social, communication
al, or STS perspective (for example: what can users’ app reviews tell us about s
ocial norms of use?).

Thanks for your help,
PhD Candidate, Université de Montréal
Postdoctoral fellow, Digital Media Research Centre (QUT)

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Gilad Ravid, Ph.D
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

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