[Air-L] mindfulGovernments with Artificial Intelligence at the mobileGovWS2018
mobileLife Conference and Exhibitions
emre at mgovernment.net
Tue Jan 9 12:02:59 PST 2018
mobileGov World Summit and Global mobileGov Awards 2018
Brighton UK during 14-15 June 2018
This year’s main theme of mobileGovWS2018 is mindfulGovernments: how public sector IT and Service delivery to citizens are influenced by the mobile and artificial Intelligence technologies. As is the tradition, we do not just ‘organise’ a conference but we establish connections among like-minded professionals and organisations to create ‘value’ in making technology to best serve the nations and the needs of the citizens.
The organisation is seeking highly qualified speakers and experts to give talks and tutorials and propose panels or special sessions to be part of the next mobileGovWS2018 as well nominations for the Global mobileGov Awards.
Ways to participate mobileGov World Summit and Global mobileGov Awards 2018:
- Become a speaker: send us max 2 pages of abstract of your prosed talk (abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings)
- Propose panels, special sessions or tutorials.
- Exhibit and make a demo of your solutions.
Global mobileGov Awards 2018.:
- industry, NPO or Government, you are requested to nominate yourself, your company or organisations.
- "Academic Category" for outstanding academic contributions and research is also open.
General topics include, but not limited to
- mobileGovernment, mobileDevelopment, mobileSociety,
- IOT and Artificial Intelligence as well as
- good old fashioned eGovernment, smart cities and smart government
- big data, open government,
- mobileApps, service and Content delivery
- mobileID, participation, privacy and security
For other specific topics and coverage please review the draft program at the conference site and please share conference flyer and videos among your colleagues at http://www.m4life.org/Summit/videos/ Looking forward to meeting you at the next mobileGovWS in beautiful Brighton UK. Regards,
mLife Team @Organisation office
mobileLife Events - mGovWS2018
conf at m4life.org
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