[Air-L] Call for Demo Proposals: VR/AR for Learning Showcase at IEEE TALE 2018 (Australia, 4-7 December)

Lee, Mark malee at csu.edu.au
Sun Oct 7 18:46:15 PDT 2018

   Call for Demo Proposals
   Special Track on XR & Immersive Environments @ IEEE TALE 2018
   Wollongong, NSW, Australia (close to Sydney)
   4–7 December 2018
   Proposal submission Form: https://goo.gl/forms/UPoS5DMPlSgTciZU2
   Proposal submission Deadline: 22 October 2018
   Proposals are being solicited for project demos to be presented as part
   of a VR/AR for Learning Showcase that will take place at IEEE TALE 2018
   in Wollongong, Australia, in conjunction with the Special Track on XR
   and Immersive Learning Environments (http://tale2018.org/xr).
   TALE is the IEEE Education Society's flagship Asia-Pacific conference,
   catering to researchers and practitioners with an interest in science,
   technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education as well as
   those interested in the innovative use of digital technologies for
   learning, teaching and assessment in any discipline. The target
   audience of the conference is diverse and includes those working in the
   higher education, vocational education and training (VET), K-12,
   corporate, government, and healthcare sectors.
   The XR and Immersive Learning Environments Special Track at TALE 2018
   is being organised in cooperation with the Immersive Learning Research
   Network (iLRN at http://immersivelrn.org).
   The VR/AR for Learning Showcase will take place on either 5 or 6
   December 2018. A station will be allocated to each project for the
   duration of the Showcase, and conference attendees will be encouraged
   to visit the stations to view/experience the projects. Showcase
   presenters must register for and attend the conference, and must be
   prepared to bring along to the conference venue their own hardware and
   any other equipment that is required for their demo. They will be
   responsible for setting up and tearing down their stations, and are
   expected not only to be present at their stations to run their demos
   and interact with visitors during the Showcase, but also to participate
   in other presentations/sessions that are part of the Special Track.
   Proposals may be submitted at https://goo.gl/forms/UPoS5DMPlSgTciZU2
   any time before 22 October 2018. Notification of acceptance or
   otherwise will be on or before 29 October 2018.

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