[Air-L] Social imaginaries of the blockchain - Oct 9 - INRS Montreal

Nathalie Casemajor ncasemajor at gmail.com
Tue Sep 25 20:39:23 PDT 2018

Hi Everyone,

For those of you arriving early in Montreal for AOIR, here's an event on


Nathalie Casemajor
Ph.D. Professeure adjointe
Centre Urbanisation Culture Société
Institut national de la recherche scientifique
385 Sherbrooke Est, H2X 1E3 Montréal (Québec)
T. 514 499 8278 | Bureau 5124


Network with consequences: social imaginaries of the blockchain
9 October 2018 | 4–6 pm
Venue : INRS <http://www.inrs.ca/english/homepage> - 385 Sherbrooke East,
Montreal - Room 1106

RSVP (limited seating) : https://goo.gl/forms/ZyLi7bTDksdwegFD2

Following the 2017 ICO mania (Initial Coin Offering), the speculative and
mediatic bubble around bitcoin and cryptocurrencies seems to have come - at
least for now - to an halt. What's next for blockchain then? The emergence
of Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) has triggered a new age of
monetary experimentation which effects extend far beyond a redefinition of
money per se. Economy and governance are two sides of the same token. More
and more people are experimenting with new logics and protocols of
self-organization, embracing and inventing different networked-based p2p
models of self-organization and value production along the way. Are we
moving toward what Lovink and Rossiter have dubbed "organized networks" or
"networks with consequences"? What are the thresholds of financialization
defining these new organizational forms? What are the social-political
concerns and aesthetical enabling constraints that contribute to the
shaping of these new value propositions?

Roundtable hosts

> Erik Bordeleau (Fugitive Finance designer at Economic Space Agency and
researcher at the SenseLab, Concordia University)
> Nathalie Casemajor (Assistant Prof. at INRS, Centre Urbanisation Culture

Guests speakers

> Tiberius Brastaviceanu is the Co-Founder of Sensorica (Montreal), the
world’s first commons-based peer production network focused on open
hardware development, production and distribution. Active in developing
sustainable, self-organising ecosystems based on open innovation, Tiberius
is focused on business models that are based on p2p economics principles
and rely on p2p technologies.

> Andrea (Andy) Morales designs innovative products, services, and
experiences, through the lens of play. For 7 years, she has used
traditional storytelling and game design thinking to create new strategic
opportunities for businesses and social movements. She is currently the
Senior Design Strategist at the Cryptosystems Productization Lab, a
ConsenSys venture with the mission to move beyond theory and discover the
limits and real properties of novel cryptosystems by observing them in


> Joel E. Mason (Economic Space Agency core member and researcher at the
SenseLab (Concordia University)


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