[Air-L] CFA IV ISA Forum in Porto Alegre July 2020

MC Cambre mcambre at ualberta.ca
Tue Aug 13 14:02:04 PDT 2019

Dear all, Please find below a call for interdisciplinary work.
Many thanks,


14-18 julio 2020. PORTO ALEGRE


Title: Understanding Educational Settings Using Visual Perspectives:
Methodological Affordances and Challenges

Session organizers:   Analía Inés Meo, Ana Heras, Carolina Cambre

Abstract: In the field we forge dialogic relations, crucial aspects of
knowledge production. We use a variety of ways of recording and documenting
what goes on at different stages of our research in formal and non-formal
educational settings, based on methodological, theoretical and
epistemological reasons. This session will focus on the methodological
affordances and limitations of engaging with visual techniques when
researching in formal and non-formal educational settings. Visual data are
often produced and analyzed in relation to other types of data (e.g.,
written, oral and alternative modalities). One might then situate this type
of research as multi-modal data production and analysis. The use of
multi-modal data collection techniques and analyses demand closer attention
since they attempt to decenter "words" or language in what comes to be
understood as knowledge. We are particularly interested in discussing with
those who conduct this kind of research: i) what epistemic and theoretical
opportunities this kind of multi-layered methodological perspective has to
offer; ii) what kinds of analytic obstacles and/or opportunities
researchers face when recording, organising and analysing different visual
and audiovisual data; and iii) what kinds of analytic trajectories
researchers have followed to interpret visual records in relation to other
empirical evidence.

Languages: Spanish, English

Research Committee: RC57 Visual Sociology (host committee). Joint Session
with RC04 Sociology of Education

Deadline (abstracts of 300 words): September 30, 2019

Conference Information:


Submit an abstract


Session Organizers

Analia Inés MEO, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
(CONICET). Universidad de Buenos Aires, IIGG. Argentina.

Ana Inés HERAS. Researcher CEDESI-LICH UNSAM and INCLUIR - Instituto para
la Inclusión Social. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y
Técnicas (CONICET). Argentina.

Carolina CAMBRE, Assistant Professor, Concordia University, Canada.


*she |her*

*Dr. Maria-Carolina Cambre Associate Professor Concordia University,

*Concordia University is located on Kanien’kehá:ka territory.*

*University of Alberta is located on Treaty 6 / Métis territory.*

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