[Air-L] Job posting: Assistant Professor Gender Studies & Postcolonial Studies (Utrecht University)

Leurs, K.H.A. (Koen) K.H.A.Leurs at uu.nl
Mon Dec 16 12:39:34 PST 2019

Dear colleagues,

I’m excited to share the Department of Media and Culture Studies (MCW) at Utrecht University welcomes applications for an Assistant Professor of Gender Studies and Postcolonial Studies. The candidate’s research should add to the research programme 'Doing Gender: Media, Art and Politics', which consists of four strands: Cultural Critique; Colonial Legacies-Postcolonial Formations; Crossing/Contesting Boundaries; Critical Epistemologies. The candidate combines experience in research and teaching in transdisciplinary feminist and postcolonial theories, with a special focus on activism, the arts and aesthetics in feminist, queer, critical race and/or critical whiteness studies.

As an Assistant Professor in Gender Studies & Postcolonial Studies, the successful candidate will teach in the programme’s Bachelor's, Master's, and Research Master's curricula, with courses such as Introduction to Gender Studies (BA), Postcolonial Configurations (BA), Visuality and Technology (BA), Feminist Toolbox (MA), Art and Affect (MA), Feminist Research Practices (MA), Advanced Introduction to Gender Studies (RMA), Theory and Critical Research (RMA), Contemporary Feminist Debates (RMA), Gender, Art and Activism (RMA), Issues in Postcoloniality (RMA), The Body in Feminist Theory (RMA), as well as tutorials and methodological research seminars for PhD candidates.

For more information about this position, please contact: Prof Rosemarie Buikema (Scientific Director), via R.L.Buikema at uu.nl<mailto:R.L.Buikema at uu.nl>. submission deadline is January 15.

Please see the full job description here: https://www.academictransfer.com/en/287961/assistant-professor-gender-studies-postcolonial-studies-10-fte/

Best wishes,


Koen Leurs, PhD
Assistant professor Gender & Postcolonial Studies | Graduate Gender Programme | Department of Media and Culture Studies | Utrecht University, the Netherlands | Muntstraat 2a, 3512 EV room 0.05 | T. + 31 30 253 7844| www.koenleurs.net<http://www.koenleurs.net/>
Teaching/onderwijs: Coordinator minor Gender studies<https://students.uu.nl/en/node/351/gender-studies>, minor Postcolonial studies<https://students.uu.nl/en/node/351/postcolonial-studies>, TCS hoofdrichting Gender and Postcolonial Studies<https://tcs.sites.uu.nl/kernpakket/genderstudies/> // Docentlid opleidingscommissie TCS<https://students.uu.nl/gw/tcs/contact/opleidingscommissie>
Network: Chair Diaspora, Migration and the Media Section<https://www.facebook.com/groups/521804364497541/>, European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) – join our Facebook group<https://www.facebook.com/groups/521804364497541/>
Recent publications:

-Sage Handbook of Media and Migration<https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/the-sage-handbook-of-media-and-migration/book260835> (2020), edited with Kevin Smets, Myria Georgiou, Saskia Witteborn & Radhika Gajjala
-Transnational connectivity and the affective paradoxes of digital care labour: Exploring how young refugees technologically mediate co-presence<https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0267323119886166> (2019), European Journal of Communication
-Practicing critical media literacy education with/for young migrants: Lessons learned from a participatory action research project<https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1748048519883511> (2019), International Communication Gazette, with Hemmo Bruinenberg, Ena Omérovic & Sanne Sprenger
-We’re here and we’re queer! Young gay connected migrants’ transnational ties and integration in the Netherlands<https://www.cogitatiopress.com/mediaandcommunication/article/view/1686/1686> (2019), Media & Communication with Jeffrey Patterson

Dr. Dominic Garcia PhD
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