[Air-L] Algorithms and methodology

Ignacio Jesús Serrano Contreras ijsc at outlook.es
Tue Jan 8 09:00:29 PST 2019

Very good, to the attention of our Dutch colleagues,

My name is Ignacio Jesús, from the University of Granada, and I am doing a doctoral work on the influence of algorithms and new methodological bases in the field of Social Sciences and, specifically, in my field of study, Political Science and the Media.

Having said that, I would be interested in being able to do a short stay, as well as being able to get to know a Master's degree or collaborate in a study that has algorithms as its methodological basis. The intention is to know in detail these methods, as well as to have a relation in situ with the developments that are being carried out in the matter.

I know that it may be a very specific and generic issue, but as many of my directors as I are interested in the work carried out in Holland in the field of social sciences and, as I quote, algorithms. Even so, any suggestion that any colleague can provide, or any contact that may establish with someone interested in the matter would be to our thanks.

Thank you in advance.

Yours sincerely,

Ignatius Jesus

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