[Air-L] FW: Survey on Professional Experiences and Sense of Coherence

Dawn Gilpin dgilpin at asu.edu
Wed Jan 30 19:24:27 PST 2019

Sharing on behalf of a colleague.

Dr. Dawn R. Gilpin
Associate Honors Professor
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism & Mass Communication
Faculty affiliate, Lincoln Center for Applied Ethics
Arizona State University
dgilpin at asu.edu

From: Michelle Saint <mesaint at asu.edu>
Date: Wednesday, January 30, 2019 at 8:16 PM
To: Dawn Gilpin <dgilpin at asu.edu>
Subject: Survey on Professional Experiences and Sense of Coherence


I'm looking for faculty members working at a college or university to participate in a survey as part of a research project. You can access the survey through this link: https://asu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0jgYmL3GAoKEROB<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__asu.co1.qualtrics.com_jfe_form_SV-5F0jgYmL3GAoKEROB&d=DwMFaQ&c=l45AxH-kUV29SRQusp9vYR0n1GycN4_2jInuKy6zbqQ&r=V4PbopfQT72ouch570Jq6omHTuXTEus0mbSVr4gEiPw&m=Tljnx72a-b4CjIYz29_7RvdphO1YrqcGgC26Z6VlTTE&s=bNoTE5YYiD2Sm8J9PO8janYGcqXuLfILbmKmVxzBANU&e=>

Here is more information about the study:

I am a Lecturer in the Philosophy department working with a colleague in the Counseling and Counseling Psychology Unit at Arizona State University. We are conducting a research study to explore the relationship between an individual’s professional position as an academic and overall outlook on life. We are inviting your participation, which will involve responding to a survey which includes a brief demographic questionnaire and three brief scales. You have the right not to answer any question, and to stop participation at any time.

Your participation in this study is voluntary. You must be 18 or older to participate in this study. If you choose not to participate or to withdraw from the study at any time, there will be no penalty.

Your responses to the survey will provide data on upper-education faculty members with regards to: 1) their position within academia; 2) their sense of coherence; and 3) their level of job satisfaction and perceptions of social support within the workplace. Our hope is to add to the current literature on selfcare, mentoring in the workplace, satisfaction in the workplace.

There are no foreseeable risks or discomforts to your participation. The data is being collected via Qualtrix and your responses will be separated from any identifying
information (email) and stored in an encrypted dropbox. Your responses will be anonymous. The results of this study may be used in reports, presentations, or publications but your name will not be used.

If you have any questions concerning the research study, please contact the research team at: Dr. Michelle Saint (Phone: 480/727-4021, Email: mesaint at su.edu<mailto:mesaint at su.edu>) and Dr. Jenn Pereira (Phone: 480-671- 4061 Email: jkpereira at asu.edu<mailto:jkpereira at asu.edu>). If you have any questions about your rights as a subject/participant in this research, or if you feel you have been placed at risk, you can contact the Chair of the Human Subjects Institutional Review Board, through the ASU Office of Research Integrity and Assurance, at (480) 965-6788.

Click this link in order to access the survey: https://asu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0jgYmL3GAoKEROB<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__asu.co1.qualtrics.com_jfe_form_SV-5F0jgYmL3GAoKEROB&d=DwMFaQ&c=l45AxH-kUV29SRQusp9vYR0n1GycN4_2jInuKy6zbqQ&r=V4PbopfQT72ouch570Jq6omHTuXTEus0mbSVr4gEiPw&m=Tljnx72a-b4CjIYz29_7RvdphO1YrqcGgC26Z6VlTTE&s=bNoTE5YYiD2Sm8J9PO8janYGcqXuLfILbmKmVxzBANU&e=>

Michelle Saint

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