[Air-L] reminder, 17th marsouin conference

Nicolas Jullien Nicolas.Jullien at telecom-bretagne.eu
Fri Jan 25 00:31:42 PST 2019

Dear all,

this is a reminder that the annual Marsouin.org conference on Digital 
society will take place in Rennes (France), on May 23rd and 24th 2019. 
The aim of this multidisciplinary conference is to understand the 
digital transformations and their societal impacts. This international 
conference will gather researchers in Social Sciences that work on the 
socio-economic, political and ethic challenges and opportunities of 
digital technologies. Papers can be submitted and presented either in 
French or in English.

Papers or abstracts that deal with the effect of digitalization on 
individuals, organizations, or society, are welcome. Topics include:

-  Culture, media and digitalization
-  E-education, e-inclusion, e-empowerment
-  Big Data, artificial intelligence and privacy
-  E-democracy and citizenship, mobility
-  Digital economy and innovation
-  Health and well-being
-  …


● Before January 31 2019 : submissions of papers or abstracts to 
conference at marsouin.org
● March 1st 2019 : notification of acceptance
● May 1st or 8th 2019 : end of registration

Submissions format :
-  title of the communication + topic in which the submission should be 
categorized + abstract (500-600 words) + keywords (3-5) + bibliography

Location of the Conference : Department of Economics, University of 
Rennes 1, Rennes (France) map.

Contact: conference at marsouin.org

Nicolas Jullien

Professeur / Professor IMT Atlantique

Directeur de M at rsouin http://www.marsouin.org
Membre du LEGO http://labo-lego.fr

Responsable du M2 management innovation
parcours Mgt du SI et des données @ischool IMT Atlantique

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