[Air-L] CFP: EPIC Conf on Agency in an Automated World 9–12 Nov 2019, Providence, Rhode Island

TANIA LEWIS tania.lewis at rmit.edu.au
Mon Mar 11 02:08:33 PDT 2019

EPIC2019 Call for Participation 9–12 November 2019, Providence, Rhode Island. Submission deadline: April 12

The EPIC2019<https://2019.epicpeople.org/> Program Committee invites your submissions<https://2019.epicpeople.org/call-for-participation> to this year’s conference, the theme<http://2019.epicpeople.org/theme> of which is Agency in an Automated World.

What does it mean to have agency in an increasingly automated world? Businesses are investing in ‘intelligent’ technologies that promise to take humans ‘out of the loop.’ But human agency is not disappearing—it’s evolving, and humanistic perspectives are more essential than ever. EPIC2019 will explore how our models of behavior and culture shape spaces of opportunity and risk for diverse people and organizations.

The 2019 program includes many different formats for sharing your work. We invite proposals for Papers, Case Studies, PechaKucha, Film, Gallery, and the Graduate Colloquium.

We welcome contributors working in any discipline, industry, or organization in the private, public, or nonprofit sectors that creates and applies ethnography to consider attending this exciting conference.

General registration<http://2019.epicpeople.org/register> for EPIC2019 opens April 30; it is not necessary to submit a proposal to join us.

Conference home:2019.epicpeople.org<https://2019.epicpeople.org/>

Call for Participation: 2019.epicpeople.org/call-for-participation<https://2019.epicpeople.org/call-for-participation>

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