[Air-L] Farmers' use of the internet

Gilad Ravid gilad at ravid.org
Tue May 7 04:30:36 PDT 2019

   Ehud Gelb's book at

   review the history and trends of ICT adoption by farmers


   On 5/7/19 8:52 AM, Magnus Andersson wrote:

Hi Philippa,

Another article  that might be interesting: "Super Network on the Prairie" by Ma
ria Bakardjieva and Amanda Williams

Magnus Andersson
Dept Communication and media
Lund University

Den 2019-05-07 01:27 skrev "Air-L på uppdrag av Jean Burgess" [3]<air-l-bounces
@listserv.aoir.org på uppdrag av je.burgess at qut.edu.au> följande:

    Hi Philippa

    This chapter on the #agchatoz community (which has analogs in other countrie
s) might be of interest to you:

    Burgess, Jean, Galloway, Anne, & Sauter, Theresa (2015) Hashtag as hybrid fo
rum: The case of #agchatoz. In Rambukkana, Nathan (Ed.) Hashtag Publics: The Pow
er and Politics of Discursive Networks. Peter Lang, New York, pp. 61-76.

    Pre-print PDF (with link to digital appendix): [4]http://mappingonlinepublic

    On 7/5/19, 8:32 am, "Air-L on behalf of Nathaniel Poor" [5]<air-l-bounces at li
stserv.aoir.org on behalf of natpoor at gmail.com> wrote:

        Hi Philippa-

        I know that historically there was some early literature about farmers a
nd their use of online services (like CompuServe), but as far as I recall it was
 fairly basic, mostly mentioned market-based items (so, prices of farmed goods),
 and may not have been overly academic. It may have been more along the lines of
, “Hey! Computers! Modems! Look even farmers use it!” (This is also all US-based

        I stuck this into Google Scholar and got some results: compuserve farmer
s videotex

        The historical angle may not be what you are looking for, but could serv
e as background lit or maybe you can cite-crawl forward in time.



        Nathaniel Poor, Ph.D.

        > On May 6, 2019, at 5:03 PM, Philippa Smith [10]<philippa.smith at aut.ac.
nz> wrote:
        > Hi Everyone
        > This question might be a bit unusual - but the AOIR community is alway
s so accommodating and if you don't ask you might never know.
        > I'm interested to find out if there are any studies or academic litera
ture about farmers' use of the internet and social media particularly in relatio
n to the management of their farms and the implementation of biodiversity strate
gies.  In other words, I'm looking to assess farmers' uptake of the internet/soc
ial media either for knowledge building or for connecting with others in their c
ommunity either for support or information gathering.   Any information about di
gital tools that are being used eg apps, websites would also be of interest to m
e. Clearly this is only going to apply to farmers who have internet access - par
ticularly when they are located rurally.
        > Looking forward to your replies!
        > Kind regards
        > Philippa
        > Philippa Smith
        > Senior Lecturer
        > School of Language & Culture
        > Auckland University of Technology
        > Auckland
        > NEW ZEALAND
        > [11]https://www.aut.ac.nz/profiles?id=phsmith&asset=269627
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The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away from you. ~B. B. K

Prof. Gilad Ravid, Ph.D
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

Mobile: +972-544-905-391
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Skype: giladravid


   1. http://departments.agri.huji.ac.il/economics/gelb-main.html
   2. http://www.cultureunbound.ep.liu.se/article.asp?DOI=10.3384/cu.2000.1525.10210153
   3. mailto:air-l-bounces at listserv.aoir.orgpåuppdragavje.burgess at qut.edu.au
   4. http://mappingonlinepublics.net/dev/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Burgess-et-al-2015-hashtag-as-hybrid-forum.pdf
   5. mailto:air-l-bounces at listserv.aoir.orgonbehalfofnatpoor@gmail.com
   6. http://github.com/natpoor
   7. http://natpoor.blogspot.com/
   8. http://sites.google.com/site/natpoor/
   9. http://www.underwood-institute.org/
  10. mailto:philippa.smith at aut.ac.nz
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