[Air-L] Farmers' use of the internet

Nathaniel Poor natpoor at gmail.com
Mon May 6 15:31:52 PDT 2019

Hi Philippa-

I know that historically there was some early literature about farmers and their use of online services (like CompuServe), but as far as I recall it was fairly basic, mostly mentioned market-based items (so, prices of farmed goods), and may not have been overly academic. It may have been more along the lines of, “Hey! Computers! Modems! Look even farmers use it!” (This is also all US-based.)

I stuck this into Google Scholar and got some results: compuserve farmers videotex

The historical angle may not be what you are looking for, but could serve as background lit or maybe you can cite-crawl forward in time.



Nathaniel Poor, Ph.D.

> On May 6, 2019, at 5:03 PM, Philippa Smith <philippa.smith at aut.ac.nz> wrote:
> Hi Everyone
> This question might be a bit unusual - but the AOIR community is always so accommodating and if you don't ask you might never know.
> I'm interested to find out if there are any studies or academic literature about farmers' use of the internet and social media particularly in relation to the management of their farms and the implementation of biodiversity strategies.  In other words, I'm looking to assess farmers' uptake of the internet/social media either for knowledge building or for connecting with others in their community either for support or information gathering.   Any information about digital tools that are being used eg apps, websites would also be of interest to me. Clearly this is only going to apply to farmers who have internet access - particularly when they are located rurally.
> Looking forward to your replies!
> Kind regards
> Philippa
> Philippa Smith
> Senior Lecturer
> School of Language & Culture
> Auckland University of Technology
> Auckland
> https://www.aut.ac.nz/profiles?id=phsmith&asset=269627
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