[Air-L] WEBCAST WED-FRI: Partnership for Progress on the Digital Divide 2019 International Conference

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Wed May 22 12:27:28 PDT 2019

Thanks to everyone that pointed out Wed-Fri is *May 22-24 2019* not 21-23
like I wrote. This is what happens when one doesn't sleep!

On Wed, May 22, 2019 at 1:43 PM Joly MacFie <joly at punkcast.com> wrote:

> Apologies for the slightly delayed notice on this. Hands full setting up 4
> rooms! Highlight this morning was Geoffrey Starks' maiden speech as an FCC
> Commissioner, after which he was duly grilled by Gigi Sohn. Also speaking
> were Avi Gillis from the UK DCMS, and Hopeton S. Dunn from Jamaica. Be sure
> to tune in Friday morning for Larry Irving and Vint Cerf.
> And big thanks to Vint & Google for sponsoring the live captioning.
> [image: livestream] <https://livestream.com/internetsociety/ppdd2019>*Partnership
> for Progress on the Digital Divide <http://www.ppdd.org/> *(PPDD) is the
> only academic professional organization in the world focused solely on the
> digital divide and on connecting research to policymaking and practice to
> strategize actions and catalyze solutions to this pressing societal
> concern. The academic research, policymaker, and practitioner community
> represented by PPDD stands ready to advance the agenda on broadband and the
> digital divide, to address the many challenges and opportunities presented
> by the digital world, and to further evidence-based policymaking and
> practice so that all citizens can participate fully in the digital,
> networked age.
> On *May 21-23 2019* the interdisciplinary *Partnership for Progress on
> the Digital Divide 2019 International Conference
> <http://www.ppdd.org/conferences/ppdd2019/>* brings together researchers,
> policymakers, and practitioners for an extended, in-depth dialogue about
> key issues that inform information and communication technologies and the
> digital divide around the world. The Conference works to identify new areas
> of necessary, productive focus, foster greater understanding, advance
> research, and enlighten policy and practice going forward.
> PPDD 2019 is particularly significant as it marks the 25th anniversary of
> the recognition of the digital divide through social scientific research.
> And, within PPDD 2019, we plan to have the largest worldwide gathering of
> experts on technology, disability, and the digital divide ever.
> The plenary sessions and breakouts will be webcast live on the *Internet
> Society Livestream Channel <https://livestream.com/internetsociety/>*.
> Other breakouts will be recorded and streamed later.
> *VIEW ON LIVESTREAM: https://bit.ly/ppddlive <https://bit.ly/ppddlive>*
> *AGENDA: https://bit.ly/ppddagenda <https://bit.ly/ppddagenda>*
> *TWITTER: #ppdd2019 https://bit.ly/ppdd2019 <https://bit.ly/ppdd2019>*
> *Permalink*
> https://isoc.live/11075/
> --
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Joly MacFie  218 565 9365 Skype:punkcast
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> -

Joly MacFie  218 565 9365 Skype:punkcast

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