[Air-L] WEBCAST THU/FRI: NetHui 2019 in Wellington NZ

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Wed Oct 2 20:54:22 PDT 2019

New Zealand folks are way ahead of us - almost 18 hours in the case of NYC
- so a lot of the NetHui's first day has already occurred. You can catch up
with the keynotes - Jillian York
<https://livestream.com/accounts/4547920/events/8835548/videos/197261836> (
48 minutes in), and Jacinda Ardern
(14 mins in).
ISOC Live posted: "Today and tomorrow, Thursday/Friday 3-4 October the
NetHui 2019 takes place in Wellington, New Zealand. This annual forum is
organized by InternetNZ, an organizational member of the Internet Society,
and operator of the .nz registry. The theme for NetHui "

[image: livestream] <https://2019.nethui.nz/livestream/>Today and
tomorrow, *Thursday/Friday
3-4 October* the *NetHui 2019 <https://2019.nethui.nz/> *takes place in
Wellington, New Zealand. This annual forum is organized by* InternetNZ
<https://internetnz.nz/>*, an organizational member of the *Internet
Society* <https://InternetSociety.org>, and operator of the *.nz registry
<https://registry.internetnz.nz/>*. The theme for NetHui 2019 is '*Safety,
inclusion and wellbeing on the open Internet*'. Keynote speakers
include *Jillian
York* of the EFF, and New Zealand PM *Jacinda Ardern*. A captioned *livestream
<https://2019.nethui.nz/livestream/>* is available, including all breakout

*LIVESTREAM: https://2019.nethui.nz/livestream/

*PROGRAM: https://2019.nethui.nz/programme/
<https://2019.nethui.nz/programme/> (UTC +13:45)*

*TWITTER: #nethui https://priv.sh/PQdKuTj <https://priv.sh/PQdKuTj>*


Joly MacFie  218 565 9365 Skype:punkcast

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