[Air-L] CFP Voting'20

Peter ROENNE peter.roenne at uni.lu
Thu Oct 10 05:09:47 PDT 2019

[Apologies for cross and multiple postings]




Advances in Secure Electronic Voting Schemes 2020

in association with Financial Crypto '20

Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, 14 February 2020

Submission Deadline: 18 November 2019


Voting'20: http://fc20.ifca.ai/voting/cfp.html

Financial Crypto '20: http://fc20.ifca.ai/


Elections are the foundations of democracy and they have been the target for attack since the dawn of democracy. Over the last few decades the introduction of digital technologies to elections has opened up a raft of new attack vectors. Recently, US has placed voting technologies on the list of national, critical infrastructures. Secure voting protocols, in particular so-called end-to-end verifiable schemes, have been a hot topic of research for the last decade or so.  Voting poses many challenges: the precise characterization of subtle properties including verifiability and coercion resistance, accountability etc. and the design and analysis of schemes providing these properties in a complex, hostile environment. The field requires a deep understanding of modern crypto and information security but is also highly interdisciplinary, requiring understanding of the role of humans, physical components, procedures, legal and regulatory aspects etc.



Papers should contain original research in any area related to electronic voting technologies, verifiable elections, and related concerns. Example topics include but are not limited to:

                In-person voting systems

                Remote/Internet voting systems

                Voter registration and authentication systems

                Procedures for ballot and election auditing

                Cryptographic (or non-cryptographic) verifiable election schemes

                Attacks on existing systems

                Trust models

                Designs of new systems

                Experiences deploying voting systems or conducting elections

                Experiences detecting and recovering from election problems

                Formal or informal security or requirements analysis

                Examination of usability and accessibility issues

                Research on relevant regulations, standards and laws

Papers describing experiences deploying voting systems, conducting elections, or detecting and recovering from election problems are welcome, so long as they include enough rigorous analysis to constitute original research.

Submissions will be judged on originality, relevance, correctness, and clarity.

The workshop solicits submissions of manuscripts that represent significant and novel research contributions. Submissions must not substantially overlap with works that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings.

Submissions should follow the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science format and should be no more than 15 pages including references and well-marked appendices. Accepted papers will appear in the proceedings published by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Authors who seek to submit their works to journals may opt-out by publishing an extended abstract only.

Short papers with a length of maximal 8 pages, will also be accepted as submissions this year, and can be used to introduce work in progress, novel applications, and voting experiences. These submissions must be clearly marked "Short papers:".

Also "Systemization of Knowledge" papers will be accepted and have a page limit of 15 pages but *excluding* references. These should be marked "SoK:".

All submissions will be reviewed double-blind, and as such, must be anonymous, with no author names, affiliations, acknowledgements, or obvious references.

Submission website: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=voting20


Important dates

Submission deadline: 18 November 2019 AoE

Notification of acceptance: 16 December 2019.



Matt Bernhard (University of Michigan)

Peter Roenne (University of Luxembourg)

Program Committee:

Roberto Araujo (Universidade Federal do Pará)

Josh Benaloh (Microsoft Research)

Véronique Cortier (CNRS, Loria)

Chris Culnane (University of Melbourne)

Jeremy Epstein (SRI International)

Aleksander Essex (Western University)

Josh Franklin (OutStack Technologies)

Kristian Gjøsteen (Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology)

Rajeev Gore (The Australian National University)

Rolf Haenni (Bern University of Applied Sciences)

Reto Koenig (Bern University of Applied Sciences)

Steve Kremer (INRIA Nancy)

Robert Krimmer (Tallinn University of Technology)

Oksana Kulyk (IT University of Copenhagen)

Olivier Pereira (Universite catholique de Louvain)

Mark Ryan (University of Birmingham)

Peter Y.A. Ryan (University of Luxembourg)

Steve Schneider (University of Surrey)

Carsten Schürmann (IT University of Copenhagen)

Philip Stark (University of California, Berkeley)

Vanessa Teague (The University of Melbourne)

Poorvi Vora (The George Washington University)

Dan Wallach (Rice University)

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