[Air-L] Final review reminder

Kylie Jarrett Kylie.Jarrett at mu.ie
Tue Apr 14 03:27:58 PDT 2020

Hi all,
We have a lot of reviews for the 2020 conference still pending and today is the very last day to get them in so this is your last reminder.

If you are not sure if you have reviews to do, please login to conftool - https://www.conftool.org/aoir2020/index.php?page=login - and check the Enter and Edit Reviews section (the second field). Your reviews will be listed there.

We really do appreciate you all taking the time to complete these, especially in these difficult circumstances. Thanks everyone.

Dr. Kylie Jarrett

Head of Department/Associate Professor

Department of Media Studies

Maynooth University,


Co. Kildare


Author: Feminism, Labour, and D​​​igital Media: The Digital Housewife
Co-author: NSFW: Sex, Humor and Risk in Social Media
Google and the Culture of Search

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