[Air-L] Call for research paper proposals extended for Connected Learning Summit 2020

Jamieson L Pond pondj at uci.edu
Mon Jan 27 13:22:10 PST 2020

Call for research paper proposals extended through Feb. 12 for the 2020
Connected Learning Summit

New deadline for research paper submissions: February 12, 2020

Notifications of Acceptance: April 2020

Call for research paper proposals page: https://clsummit.news/CLScfpAIR

Connected Learning Summit 2020

July 29-31, 2020 | Cambridge, MA

Due to requests from the community, the call for research paper proposals
has been extended for the third annual Connected Learning Summit. The new
deadline to submit a research paper proposal is Wednesday, February 12,
2020. The revised deadline is for the Research Paper track only.

*About the Connected Learning Summit*

The mission of the Connected Learning Summit is to fuel a growing movement
of innovators harnessing emerging technology to expand access to
participatory, playful, and creative learning.

With a unique focus on cross-sector connections and progressive and
catalytic innovation, the Connected Learning Summit brings together leading
researchers, educators, and developers. The program includes a mix of
engaging presentation and workshop formats ranging from speculative design,
to game walkthroughs, sharing works in progress, and research panels.

The Connected Learning Summit represents a merger between three community
events with this shared vision and values: the Digital Media and Learning
Conference, the Games+Learning+Society Conference, and Sandbox Summit.

The 2020 Connected Learning Summit will be held in Cambridge, MA July
29-31, 2020.


*Jamieson Pond, Communications Manager*

Connected Learning Lab <https://connectedlearning.uci.edu/>

University of California, Irvine

Connected Learning Alliance <https://clalliance.org/>

@TheCLAlliance <https://twitter.com/TheCLAlliance> | @TheCLSummit


*Connected Learning Newsletter <https://clalliance.org/newsletter>*

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