[Air-L] Calling all leaders and champions of VR/AR/MR (XR) initiatives at universities and colleges

Lee, Mark malee at csu.edu.au
Fri Jun 12 05:03:02 PDT 2020

*** Calling all leaders and champions of VR/AR/MR (XR) initiatives at universities and colleges ***

Champions in Higher Education of XR (CHEX) is a new consortium formed under the umbrella of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN at http://immersivelrn.org/ ) that brings together both administrators as well as faculty/staff grassroots leaders who are championing the adoption and use of XR and immersive technologies at colleges, universities, and college/university systems around the world. Many of these champions have oversight of XR initiatives at a campus, institution, or system-wide level (whether as part of their official job responsibilities or in a voluntary capacity), the scope of which may encompass some or all of the following:

* Design, development, and delivery of XR-related academic courses and programs;
* Application of XR technologies for learning, teaching, and assessment within and across various disciplines;
* XR research, development, innovation, and commercialization;
* Use of XR in other areas of higher education such as marketing/outreach, student services, and the library.

The main goals of the CHEX Consortium are to:

1. Advocate for and accelerate the growth of XR and immersive technologies for learning across the higher education sector;

2. Cultivate cross-institutional and cross-national relationships and networks in the space;

3. Support and assist members in building a business case to senior administrators for investment in XR and immersive technologies;

4. Serve as a unified voice and a vehicle representing higher education institutions in their endeavors to build XR industry partnerships and collaborations;

5. Identify and promote best practices for facilitating collaborative XR projects and initiatives within and among higher education institutions, and between institutions and industry, that bring together diverse stakeholder interests, disciplines, and perspectives.

The initial, "kickoff" meeting for CHEX will take place during the iLRN 2020 Virtual Conference ( http://immersivelrn.org/ilrn2020 ) Participation in the meeting is by invitation only, with a view to organizing a larger, dedicated Symposium, and opening up membership of and participation in the Consortium to a wider audience, following the conference. Ultimately, each campus, institution, or system will be allowed to nominate no more than one faculty or staff member as its designated representative to CHEX, and that person must be a member of iLRN in good standing.

To indicate your interest in participating in CHEX and/or the kickoff meeting at iLRN 2020, please begin by registering for the conference (at http://immersivelrn.org/ilrn2020/ilrn-2020-fees-registration ) if you have not already done so. (Registration is free of charge for all non-presenters.) Then, click on the button below and provide your details the form:


The coordinators of the kickoff meeting are Jeremy Nelson (University of Michigan) and David Bass-Clark (Unity College).

For inquiries, please email chex at immersivelrn.org from your institutional email address.

(Sent to air-l at listserv.aoir.org)


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